
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blessed Baby Happenings

What a great week and weekend for exciting baby happenings.  Thursday I was sitting on the couch doing some work, when there is a "ding" at the door.  Unfortunately that usually means office supplies for Donny's work.  Well to my absolute surprise and excitement, we received our first baby shower gift from my fabulous roommates at 70 Day; Chelsea, Kelly, and Mary! 

We've loved this swing since we registered for it..and can't wait to put the bambino in it!

We (Don) also finished up the painting and chairrail installation in the nursery.  So I was super anxious to get the crib, that I knew my mom, mother-in-law, and Donny's aunts Bobbi and Terry, had bought for us.  So to top off this extra exciting week, I found out the crib had been delivered.  So today, Angela, my mom, and Donny's mom came up to set up the crib

How Adorable -- I LOVE IT!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you love it! The pictures you took while setting it up are super cute. I'm sad I can't be at your shower, so being able to see the look on your face while opening makes me happy :) It still blows my mind that one of my 70 Day girls is having a baby- time flies! <3 But I think its pretty fantastic that we're all still in touch and could get together to send you something for baby to hang out in just like we hung out together in the best apartment ever (thanks Dave Stock!)
