
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Project 52{37}

Motherhood is:
I've said it before.  Perfect strangers have told me.  People remind me and Donny reminds me.  She looks like him. She is 95% him, besides those baby blues. Her blonde hair, the big eyes, her botton nose, the pouty lips.  And then..these lashes.  Don and I have always had a constant battle on who had the longest lashes.  I stand by my vote, that mine are longer (okay at least AS long as his).  But hers are his.  They are blonde close to their eyelids, and get a dark red/brown as the grow out.  They stick straight out with a little bend at the end.  Her Daddy's got beautiful genes, so she's pretty lucky...and I'm pretty envious! 

Project 52{36}

Motherhood is:
When she was born, I experienced a whirlwind of emotions.  Honestly, I wish I could remember it more.  I wish there was a way to seal in the exact feeling of those moments.  From that moment she looked at me with those big deep eyes, I was hopelessly in love.  This little person has brought so much happiness to our lives, our family and friends, and even complete strangers.  This little family of mine is my greatest joy.  

Project 52{35}

Motherhood is:
new for me, new for her

She is at such a fun age.  Sometimes she does or says something that cracks me up.  She amazes me how smart she is.  She is also so funny, but can also be so serious at times.  She is doing new things every day.  Discovering new things.  Saying new things.  And amazed at new leaves.  She had a complete meltdown when we shared the news that we were leaving the leaves and going to eat some lunch.  All throughout lunch she said "eaves eaves."  Unfortunately after a second visit with the leaves, a second meltdown ensued, when we had to get back in the car and head home.   I haven't learned how to avoid meltdowns...I'll work on that, and make millions if I figure it out....stay tuned!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Project 52{34}

Motherhood is:
picking your battles
Oh Kenzie, you are your Dad's dream daughter.  She is all him.  Looks like him, enjoys sports like him, and eats like him (sometimes).  So that means she needs to start enjoying some of the things I like.  My hope is she will be my kitchen helper and my shopping partner.  So on a trip out to get a birthday gift for her friend Hailey's 2nd party, I realized this lady may be getting a little old for the cart.  She had a complete meltdown from the time I put her in the cart at Kohls until we got all the way back to the baby section.  To avoid the embarrassment in Target, I hooked this chick up with a popcorn combo sans the drink! She had NO PROBLEM at all lounging in her royal red carriage stuffing her face with handful of pcorn.  I guess I'll take the shared snack with my #1 girl and a good hour of perusing around one of my fav stores. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

To Bake or Blog...

Finger pointing.  Right blog slacker.  Sadly I feel like I start every blog post that way. But I'm hoping now that summer is over, my sister's wedding is over, and its my favorite time of the year... I'll be able to have some time to sit and blog.  Seeing that this is the first night in awhile I wasn't exhausted or had something to do, I really wanted to bake.  I've been dying to try some type of power bars or power breakfast muffins (preferably with pumpkin) to freeze and have for grab and go breakfasts/lunches.  But honestly, the dishwasher is going and there are dishes in the sink, and I really love a nice clean kitchen to make a mess of while baking!  So tonight, blogging won!
So lets see.  What have we been doing since last time.  First up is Labor Day (yes tomorrow is Columbus Day, see above for my blog slacking).  Like last year, we headed out to Cleveland to see a baseball game.  I love going this time of year, for a little extra entertainment.  During the game we have constant flyovers from the Airshow happening right down the street!  Last year the fighter jets really freaked Kenzie's freak and she bawled her eyes out.  This year she just kept pointing and screaming "air-pane, air-pane."  She loved it.  I think what I was most excited about was the Cleveland Indian's Mickey Mouse.  The stars aligned and her 2 favs, baseball and Me-mo have become one.  Well she wanted to keep her distance of the mouse with the big ears.  
She also loved swimming at the hotel pool.  She really hasn't taken to swimming all that much, so I was happy to see her enjoy it a bit more.  Baby swim lessons coming this winter!!
We also did a lot of playing outside, and soaking up the last days of warmth.  She constantly says "owsigh owsigh." And runs off anytime she isn't being carried.  This girl loves the playground.  Even if we pass one in the car she yells "siiiiide" from the backseat.  I couldn't believe how fearless she was.  She had no problem climbing up to the top and sliding down the biggest slide this playground had to offer. 
We are also started a new season of Rolly Pollies classes.  Although she loves it, and I love to see her smile and laugh, it often comes with some stress for Don and I.  Kenzie has become so possessive of her space.  Thankfully she is no longer swatting kids when they come near her.  But she does shout (and I mean shouts) "NO" anytime a child even looks at her or thinks about coming near her.  Its completely embarrassing.  She does it with the dogs too, and we can't seem to break her of it.  Ohhh Kenz, you keep us guessing but I'm gonna keep you.
And finally, the pinacle event of big sister's wedding to my new brother-in-law Bob.  I remember the phone call from Bob when he shared the exciting news that he was proposing to her.  I also remember the subsequent phone calls from her whining about when her proposal was going to happen.  The location couldn't have been more beautiful as was the wedding. It was just an amazing weekend.  Kenzie woke up the night before sick with a cold, so she was a bit of a bear on wedding day.  She made it down the aisle with a few tears, but made herself at home, walking back and forth between Don and I, during the ceremony.  She also got to share her sweet dance moves with reception guests and ate her weight in ice cream.  I was horrible about taking pictures, but I know they'll have beautiful pictures to share!

Alright i'm going to make a valiant effort for my next blog post to be this week, not a wrap up of October!