
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 24, 2013

28 weeks, 1 day

Okay here we go...better late than never. (Man I say that a lot on this blog)!!
28 weeks 1 day.  Less (maybe more) than 12 weeks to go!  I can't believe it really.  12 weeks seems like it'll fly, but June seems so far away.  I'm thinking once the weather gets nice they'll defiantly fly.
I'm still feeling really good.  I started going to the chiropractor at around 20ish weeks after a few weeks of horrible tailbone pain.  Since then, I go in weekly for adjustments and have had minimal pain, especially these past few weeks!  I'm trying to stay as active as possible doing some running, walking, and weight lifting a few days a week.  I find this pregnancy I'm much more irritable (Don can attest to that) and getting back up after being on the floor with Kenz, has become tricky.  Its so hard to say...Is this pregnancy different?  Or is it different because I have Kenz to take care of this time around.  I also feel much bigger.  I don't know if its because I'm wearing tighter clothes this time around?  I'm trying to embrace this pregnancy since this is most likely the last one for us.  Luckily I've had some precious souls that tell me I'm quite small for 7 months.  Bless their heart!
I had a Dr's appointment and ultrasound a few weeks ago.  Placenta has now moved out of the way.  YAY!  She also tried to get some 3D pics of baby but it was being a little stubborn and covering its face.  Also baby was breech.  Eeek!  Makes me a little nervous because I have been feeling most of my kicks down realllly low, so I'm hoping its not getting too comfortable.  Get flippin baby!  I also had my glucose tolerance test and passed that with no problem!

How Many Weeks: 28 weeks,1 day--Around 83 to go!

How Big Is The Baby This Week: Baby Burch is as big as a small cabbage, and inching towards 3lbs.  

Weight gain: About 19lbs.  This is about 5lbs more than where I was this time with Kenz.

Sleep? Since New Years I've had 3 colds/sinus infections.  For someone who gets sick once or twice a year, this was awful.  Sleeping was bad, breathing was bad, and I was miserable.  I finally had to breakdown and get a Rx, but since, I've been feeling much better, and hopefully that'll be it for sickies.  So now I'm sleeping good at night.  I can even go all night without a bathroom break!  I do get really tired right after lunch, but usually a quick 15min snooze will do the trick.  

Cravings? Hmmmm for a few days I did want a Dairy Queen PB blizzard, and finally downed all 740 calories of one a few nights ago.  Also from the beginning, I can't get enough salad and fruit.  

Aches and pains? Just besides the babe beating me up from the inside.  

Signs of labor? Oh heavens no

What I miss? We just went out to dinner with our friends Kelly and Dustin last night, and on the drive to dessert we saw a lovely Mexican restaurant which Kelly shared had the best margaritas!  With warmer weather hopefully coming, I'd love a frozen margarita.  

Reaching Milestones: Last weekend I did go through baby clothes and pulled out any gender neutral clothes we had.  Though I think I was pretty minimal about baby clothes, I couldn't believe the amount of girl clothes we had.  

Thursday, March 21, 2013

This Ain't Her 1st Rodeo....It's her 2nd (Birthday)

Well this post is about 2 months late.  But alas here it is!  We celebrated Kenzie's 2nd birthday on her actual birthday, January 26th.  From the time I started researching her party, I loved the idea of "This Aint My 1st Rodeo...It's my 2nd."  So I went with it.  We started with her invite, setting the stage for this cowgirls rip roaring shin-ding.  My wonderful BIL designed it for me and it couldn't be more perfect!!
For food the "Chuckwagon" was stocked with a chili bar, mac and cheese, and cornbread.  We also stocked the "Saloon" and "Watering hole" with libations for the adults and little chickadees.  And of course Kenzie's cake....which keeping with tradition was designed by daddy, made by Grandma Burch!  

 Kenzie was blessed with a large group of family and friends that came to celebrate with her!  

 I can't believe we have a 2 year old.. (now 2years 2 months).

Happy 2nd Birthday my little love!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Game of Catch Up..Part 2

So remember that time I got pregnant and I fell of the face of the Earth when it came to blogging about Baby Burch 2??  Poor thing is already getting the shaft.  Well lets hope this is a good kickstart to somewhat weekly updates, doctor's appointment excitement, and other randomness to remember this exciting time in our life.

So it all started back on October 4th, when I took the all important pregnancy test, and got the ever so important double line.  Honestly, I couldn't believe it.  I wasn't having the same symptoms I had when I suspected I was pregnant with Kenz.  And it happened SO FAST, like one month fast.   
I decided to keep it from Don, since I thought surprising him with Kenzie's help would be fun, and I assumed he would be as surprised as me!  
So I took a quick snapshot of my baby girl after I shared with her news, that she didn't understand, but doesn't seem to be thrilled with our little secret, and headed off to AC Moore.  I made up this quick shirt and had Kenzie waiting for Don when he got home from work.  His first words "Shut-up!" profound :)

So just a few days later we were off on our Caribbean Cruise.  We had a touch of a scare right before we left (awesome timing), but when I talked to my Dr., she had no reservations on letting us head out. She was so positive and hopeful we'd see her right after the cruise with positive news!   
And we did!!  I calculated our due date as June 10th, but baby measured a little later at June 15th. His/her heartrate was about 144bpm. Ahhh sweet relief!
And then next few weeks were a blur.  A big nauseated blur. Like with Kenz, I was terribly nauseous all day long.  I can't tell if it was a bit easier this time around, than with Kenz, or if I was just dealing with it better, since I couldn't just lay around like a slug all day.  I lived on soft pretzels, baked potatoes, and Greek salads.  
We again did the 1st trimester screen.  Everything looked great on the ultrasound, and when the blood test came back, my doctor said I had the best numbers you can get!  Also good platelets are NORMAL this time!

Luckily pretty soon after the start of the 2nd trimester, the nauseousness subsided.  I felt like I could feel the stomach flutters pretty early, but I'm not sure.  Don did feel the baby really early, I think around 18 weeks, so that was exciting.  
Everything looked completely normal at the anatomy scan at 18 weeks.  Only placenta is covering my cervix, and needs to move to make room for baby's preferred exit.  I have a repeat ultrasound in a few weeks to see if it has moved.  *fingers crossed*   

Pheww...well I think that brings us up to date.  I am 25 weeks today, and will hopefully start weekly updates tomorrow!  Get ready to see a big-ol-belly :)