
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Project 52{24}

Motherhood is:
growing up

I don't know what happened this week, but in every picture I saw of Kenzie, she looked so grown up.  She looked like a toddler, not my baby.  And what is scary is I know there are going to be more moments when I realize this and she really is growing up.  Like when we put away the diapers, or the first time she wants to walk without holding my hand, or go down the slide without someone on the bottom to catch her.  
It seems like everyone is asking us lately "so, are you ready for the next one?"  And while I've heard of people catching the "baby fever" when their little ones start to grow up, I feel like I'm the total opposite.  I'm loving Kenzie's personality, independence, and playfulness lately.  She makes me laugh everyday..multiple times. She picks up on new words, new signs, new quirks every day.  And right now, I just want to soak those all up and not miss a thing!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Project 52{23}

Motherhood is:
pushing the limits

She hasn't always hated swinging. (Sidenote: look at my little itty bitty baby) Anyway, when the weather got nice in March we took her to the playground, and to my surprise she immediately started whining when I put her in the swing.  I figured she had forgotten all the fun a swing can bring to a 14 month old's life, but when she was frantically signing "all done" I realized this little lady is not up for swinging. So how did I get this mid laughter picture?  I sat in front of her, and let the swing/her run into me.  I'd then stumble back and make some ridiculous noise, which was quickly followed by shrieks of laughter...every.single.time.    I remember doing this with my little sister when she was a baby and getting the same response,  So just like with her fear of grass, sand, food on her hands, and I'm sure other quirky things I'm forgetting, we just kept pushing it.  And although she'd rather climb and slide at the playground, I still make her swing a few times...even if its just so I can hear her laugh!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Project 52{22}

Motherhood is:

We are building a framework one day at a time.  Eating. sleeping. learning. speaking. habits.  We are creating her normal.  What is normal for us, may not be for others.  But we do what is best for us and what we think is best for Kenzie.  What we eat, the sleep routine we follow, what we teach, what recommendations we follow,  are all crucial for her development.  But because of this routine, we notice things.  Things she's learned or personalities that have develop.  Some intentional and some not.  Some good, and some bad.  But she is learning.  And of all these build on each other, which is pretty amazing, because I love the person she is becoming more and more everyday.  

Project 52{21}

Motherhood is:
ups and downs
These days have ups and downs.  Somedays she's perfect.  I wake to "Mom", we eat "O's", we get kisses from the doggies, we make a mess, she walks around with a toothbrush in her mouth we snack, she naps, she plays in the spice cabinet, she talks jibberish but expects you to respond, we eat more, we look at old pictures and videos on my phone, we read, we snack, we welcome daddy home, we eat, she sleeps.  And then there are not good days, with tantrums, tears, and crying fits on the floor.  But not matter how frustrated I may get, this face will stop me in my tracks.  I will kiss this face any moment of any day, even when its a down day.   

Project 52{20}

Motherhood is:

Motherhood is the ultimate unconditional love experience.  And it all started with these babies.  Oh these boys.  I feel like they've been pushed aside lately.  I do my best to snuggle with them in the morning before Kenz wakes up and throw the ball outside.  But then they look up at me with these big eyes and I feel like they miss the old days.  I'm so crazy about these 2 and I hope Kenzie loves them as much as we do.
I've noticed that they (Grady) are starting to get use to her.  Grady was never a huge fan of Kenz.  He'd usually run away from her anytime she was crawling or scooting towards him.  He'd even growl in annoyance (not a mean growl, just "why do you get to eat so much and we only eat twice a day"growl)  And strangely, Kenzie is drawn to him.  (It could be because from Day 1, Fausto has really been up in her face lickin' lickin' lickin'.)  The other day, Mackenzie walked over to Grady laying on the couch, crouched down in front of his face, and leaned in for a kiss, and he let her!  Then she walked down to his body and petted him.  And I mean she actually pet him, not waked him a couple times.  It brought a tear to my eye to see her love them as much as I love them.  She kisses them goodnight every night, and tells them to shhhh when they bark.  I can't wait to see how their love evolves. 

Project 52{19}

Well lets talk about falling off the wagon...Okay, we talked about it -- but I'm back on.  And I figure better late then quit all together, so here.we.go.  

Motherhood is:
letting go

From the umbilical cord, to kindergarden, to a dorm room, there are phases of letting go.  Luckily that is many many years away for us.  So for now I'm learning my own way of letting go.  It's about forgetting the mess and allowing her to eat yogurt with a fork.  Or letting her drag around a reusable shopping bag even though she trips on it every few steps...she'll learn.  Or letting her pull the books off her bookshelf that I just picked up, so she can sit on her floor, talking to herself and she turns the pages.  Or letting her eat blueberries right out of the carton because it seems to be the only way she'll eat them.  (And she eats them!  by the handfuls!!) But the bonus to letting go...we have so much more than we did before.