
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A weekend in Maine

This past Labor Day weekend, we traveled back up to VacationLand to visit my college roommate, Chelsea, her husband Jason, and new baby boy Owen.  Baby O is exactly 3 weeks younger than Cam, so sharing/supporting/complaining ;) about our pregnancies together was so fun.

Last time we visited, we flew.  But with plane delays and cancellations, it actually took us longer than driving.  So we piled in the Prius and ventured out on the 8hr or so trip.  With stops it took us closer to 10, but both Mackenzie and Camden were SO good.  Cam would eat every 3 hours and then crash until the next.  And once again the Ipad and Ipod kept Kenzie busy.

After arriving very early Friday morning, we frolicked around Portland with Chels and Owen, while Jason was working.  We went to the Portland Lobster Company for lunch and did some shopping at the Freeport outlets.  

As you can see, Saturday we went to the beach....

Look at this little lady in her itsy bitty yellow polka dot bikini!

Kenz spent the afternoon playing in the sand, and the boys scoped out the beach babes.

 Sunday we ventured out for a trip to Whole Foods and breakfast at the Miss Portland.  I felt very wholesome with my crunchy babywearing self, shopping for my non-GMO organic treats!  It was heaven.  I consider any town with a Whole Foods an incentive to move there!

And then these BFFs shared a special moment on our last day.  I can't wait to watch them grow up together!

It's Tribe Time

 At 9 weeks old Kenzie went to her first Indians game, which also was opening day.  So we felt that it was only fair that Cam also went to his first game when he was 9 weeks old.  So we headed out to OH to watch our beloved Indians and fireworks!

Camden -- 3 Months Old

Daily Routine:
He seems to be settling into a bit of a schedule, although I still think he sleeps a lot...(No complaints!)  He is waking up usually 6-7ish, but we've had a few early wakes up at 5.  He then is up for maybe an hour or so and then takes a morning nap.  He still plays a lot under his exercise gym, although he really prefers being held as much as possible!

We just upped his feeding amount to 5 1/2 - 6oz every 3 hours.  We've noticed he is becoming more and more annoyed at burps.  He SCREAMS everytime we burp him.  It's like he thinks that he'll never be fed again!  Ever!  It makes feeding him quite unenjoyable since he screams in your ear and slams his face down into your collarbone over and over! 

Look at you grow:
The big guy is still a big guy.  We had a sick visit at the Dr's this past weekend, and Biggie ways 15.8lbs!  

Who do you look like?
Daddy!  Still wondering about his eye color, although both Don and I are thinking he'll have dark eyes.  His hair is still dark and growing.  

Biggie boy rolled over from back to belly a week before turning 3 months old! He is also sleeping in his crib.  

Big Sister Kenzie:
Kenzie is still pretty indifferent about her brother, but she does let people know that he is her little brother, and his name is Camden.  Daycare says she lets them know when he is case they didn't realize. 

Cleveland Indians baseball game
Buffalo Bills preseason game
rolling over
night in his own room
train ride
long car ride to Maine!