
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Project 52{12}

Motherhood is:

Look at this baby.  She is a bit of a daredevil.  She climbs, she balances, she shimmies. And not without a "are you seeing this mom" sort of a look.   
I've always been a bit of a nervous nelly, a worrying wendy, but after having Kenzie its x1000.  Thankfully, Donny balances me with his laidback, roll with it, cool under pressure personality. I see us needing this in the near future.   

Saturday, March 24, 2012

St. Patricks Day

Can you believe it?...2 posts in one night!  I'm on a roll.
I had to include our St. Patrick's Day festivities since this holiday holds a special place in my heart.  Don and I were set up the day before St. Patrick's Day.  Then while I enjoyed some namesake's festivities and while he travelled to Florida with his college baseball team, we text messaged to the wee hours of the night!  It still gives me butterflies thinking about that night.

Well anyway, fast-forward 7 years and we are now celebrating with our little lady.  We travelled to Rochester area to a St. Patty's Day part with our good friends Caitlin, Lauren, Nate and their family and friends.  Kenzie was a hit at the party, making new friends, playing with puppies, and climbing up and down and up and down, in her lawn chair, and checking out the fish hatchery.  
This was a test shot to get my settings in order, but I love that smile.

Trip to the playground

More warm weather, meant our first trip to the playground.  Notice no pictures of swings, because she really hates it!  But she loved climbing the stairs, and surprisingly not at all skidish about the slide.

I love her face in these!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Where in the world are the Burchs?

I've been HORRIBLE at blogging these last few months.  Its something I really love, and I'm afraid I'll look back and regret writing down our family doings.  This little girl has just been keeping us on the move.  One of the main reasons I have less blog time, is almost immediately after Kenzie's 1st birthday, she decided she was going to be a one nap kind of a girl.  Previously I had 3-5 hours of uninterrupted quietness.  I now only have 1-3 (give or take).  So now she is usually sleeping a few hours once a day, usually about 11 o'clock.  It seems to work for her and I'll make it work for me.  Although I am risking my small window of opportunity that would include a shower...I'll risk it!

So what have we been doing..
....Besides soaking in our almost 14 month old!? 
Well we have had a really mild winter with barely any snow, and now, just a few days into spring its beautiful outside.  These past few weeks have been like summer around here in WNY, even enough to turn our AC on at night, since the house gets pretty stuffy upstairs!  So we've been enjoying this weather going for walks, and playing in the grass while we wait for Daddy to come home.  Kenzie had a quick fear of the grass on her barefeet, but I think the more I force her to play in it, the better she gets.  She already seems to be walking in it a bit more.  She also wasn't a huge fan of the swing at daycare, so I've been trying to break that fear as well.  So like everyone this time of year, she seems to really love being outside.

Still is still working on perfecting her stride.  I thought for sure after those first few steps she'd be off running in a few weeks.  She does take a few more steps than before, but that is as far as she goes.  Everyone says "You will regret hoping for this,"  But she gets into EVERYTHING now, so what is the difference if she is crawling or toddling to it?  Her pants would look a lot better too without all those dirty knee stains!
Paper towel anyone?
She is also a lover of all things food related.  I'm happy to report that she drinks her needed 10-16oz of milk a day.  She also scarfs down veggies, but strangely only likes clementines and bananas.  I've tried all sorts of other fruits, but she just feeds them to the dogs!

I guess I have a lot of pictures of her when she's eating.  Probably because she is content and contained! 
And on that note...I still hear silence from her nursery which means there is even time for a shower!  Ants in my pants!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Project 52{11}

Motherhood is:

Don knew so much before Kenzie was born.  So much more than I did. At the time, people would tell me, "he is the most educated soon-to-be dad I have ever met." But now that we have Kenzie, I have read and researched, so I am current on the latest research when it comes to natural parenting, nutrition, and health...among other things.  
One thing that has stood out on my blogs and groups include the benefits of Baltic Amber.  When baltic amber is worn on the skin, the skin's warmth releases trace amounts of healing oils from the amber. These oils contain succinic acid and are absorbed into the skin.  The benefits to babies? The succinic acid has analgesic properties that takes the edge off of teething pain.  So instead of going through bottles of ibuprofen, I wanted to try this natural pain relief remedy.   
While Don is a bit sceptic, I have read nothing but positive testimonials on its effects.  Not to mention she looks so darn cute!  
Note:  She doesn't wear it at night or at naptimes, unless I wrap it around her ankle, and under a sock. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Project 52{10}

52 {10}
motherhood is:

Like these now pruney, tiny toes, motherhood has also brought about changes.
Changes in emotions, relationships, priorities, and schedules...among other things 
I cry SO easily. I LOVE our little family more and more with each day, memory, and smile.   
Making a mess with Kenzie trumps the dishes in the sink and the clothes in the dryer.
And we always schedule everything around Kenzie.  
Change is not always a bad thing.  Changing into a mother is defiantly a  life-changer but one I embrace and love more than anything!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Walk this Way

Speaking of milestones...take a look at this!  
I was so glad Donny came home from work early today to catch this. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Project 52{9}

motherhood is:

Milestones come with laughter, proudness, and sometimes tears.
While it is recommended that babies start to transition off of the 
bottle at one year, we were nervous because we knew Kenzie wasn't getting her daily recommended amount of milk.  
But after a lot of research as well as a baby that is eating us under the table, we figured the love for milk will come, and
it was time to pack away the bottles.
While I'll completely miss snuggling up with her, and the
occasional sleeping on me after falling asleep with her bottle..
this milestone brings along transitions.  
Day 2 and she has got it!