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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

26 Weeks

Happy Birthday to a soon-to-be Grandma Burch!!  We love you!

Did you take a look at the countdown up top of the page??  We're down to double digits to the arrival of baby!  Whoo hoo!! Unfortunately, I feel like this past week crawled.  This was most likely because I had to work at the hospital this past weekend, which makes the weeks blend into one. long. week.

We did meet up with our newlywed friends, Chelsea and Jason, for dinner on Sunday night.  Chelsea was one of my roommates at Fredonia, and since they live in Maine, we were hopeful she could feel the bambino, since we're not sure when we'll see them next!  The baby was active all day while I worked at the hospital..and the car ride to meet them.  So of course, luck would have it, "Tullys Good Times restaurant" was so "good," it put the babe to sleep.  So with a little verbal coaxing and belly shaking (in a totally, non violent way) we got a few good movements that she could feel. 

How Many Weeks: 26

How Big Is The Baby This Week: Again, we've got a baby about the size of an eggplant. He/She is about 14+ inches long and approaching 2lbs.

Weight gain: I think I've finally reached 10lbs.

Sleep? I've been waking up a lot at night, but able to fall right back to sleep.  I also notice this week my appendages have been falling asleep.  I hate that feeling...especially half asleep.

Cravings? Nothing too exciting this week.  I did enjoy 1 1/2 Subway cookies tonight though.  Aren't those the best cookies?

Aches and pains? I've been having that tight belly pain right behind my belly button again.  Now I realize when pregnant women are always rubbing their bellies.  And the past 2 days I've had some day time morning sickness again.  booooo!

Signs of labor? How many different ways can I say "No" do you think?  Lets start now...  Negative!

What I miss? I wish I could go on a walk with the dogs and Don without feeling like I'm going at a snails pace by the end of it!

Reaching Milestones: At a work function on Friday, I finally had a handful of people realize I was pregnant.  I also enjoyed sharing the bump-jumping with friends, not to mention an avid blog reader ;)

Now that's a bump!!


  1. You're going to need a bigger shirt.

  2. ERINNNNNN, this weeks jump is a big one! I put the 2 pictures side by side...holy crap. Looks like you're "carrying high" now!

  3. It was so great to see you, Donny and the bump last weekend :) Spending the last half hour with my hand on the belly awaiting a kick was worth it- I think the baby rolled over on that last big one! Jason and I can't wait to meet baby Burch <3
