
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 31, 2013


 Classic Jack-O-Lantern carving at the Burchs.  Cam enjoyed until he started getting sprayed by pumpkin mush.

Kenz got a Halloween breakfast, including ghostly pancakes and Boo milk!  And cam was just a little monster!

Halloween costume selection was a back and forth battle this year.  I knew I wanted them to go as a "couple" but couldn't decide what.  I figured this is probably one of the last years I can force Kenzie into something.  On any given day she wanted to be a pirate, and princes, and superhero, a pumpkin...anything!  And thankfully she was all about being Robin to her little brother Batman!  She has so much fun going door to door yelling "Trick or Treat".  Our plan was to hit maybe 10 houses, but she was all about it and loved running house to house so we stayed out untill Batman was ready for a bottle and bed.  He hung out in the bat mobile for most of the night and eventually slept his way through the neighborhood!  
Just looking at these pictures....I'm reallllly hoping I can pair them up again next year!  We shall see!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Camden -- 4 months old

Daily Routine:
We are hitting our stride especially with feeding and sleeping.  He wakes, eats, and usually has 2-3 really good naps throughout the day.  He's happy laying under a fan, or on his exercise mat, although since he has learned to roll, he often gets stuck on his belly, and is not thrilled when that happens.  He eats every 3 hours, except some nights.  Sometimes he doesn't even go 2 hours and he's throwing fits and his fist into his mouth.  We think he gets tired, so the past few weeks we have really started putting him to bed earlier and earlier. Within this past week, we can get him in bed by 8.  He goes to bed awake, and usually just drifts off to sleep.  Sometimes I have to wake him in the get to work on time.  Otherwise he wakes usually around 7-7:30. 
He does a lot of smiling and cooing, and we've gotten a few laughs out of him.  His little face lights up, especially when he hears our voices.  When he is being changed he is always looking towards the door to see if anyone is there to talk with him.  I am completely in love with his little personality and how happy he seems when we interact with him.  

We've added a few more ounces since last month.  Right now he eats 8oz every 3 hours.  Sometimes longer if he is napping, sometimes shorter if he is freaking (nightime)!  He also recently started SCREAMING every time we burp him.  Its like the poor guy thinks we are going to ration his food.  He freaks!  He also like to have his hands on the bottle now.  If it wasn't glass, I'm pretty sure he'd be holding it!  You wouldn't know based on his size, but the kids pukes... a ton!

Look at you grow: 
"Biggie" as I affectionately call him, is sadly getting bigger and bigger.  At his 4 month appointment today he weighed 17lbs 3oz (75% percentile) and was in the 99th percentile for length.  Every time our Dr. sees Cam, he always says Wow, he's a big baby.  

Who do you look like?
I'd say the majority say he looks completely like Don, there are the occasional times that people think he looks like me.  He looks a lot like Kenzies pictures at his age. 

Cam is no longer being swaddled at night, and is still sleeping great!  He is beginning to smile and the belly laughs are starting, especially when he is tickled.

Big sister Kenzie:
I think Kenz is coming around.  She has happily held him a few times for pictures.  Today at his appointment, the Dr was using the stethoscope to listen to his heart and lungs.  She walked over held his hand, and said, "It's okay Bro."  

Cold and virus
Sleeping swaddle free
Trip to the pumpkin farm
Bath in the big tub

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Choo Choo

A few weekends ago we took the kids (still so weird saying kid(s)) on a riveting adventure on the Arcade and Attica Railroad.  Kenzie was really excited for about 10 minutes, but I-Spy kept her going.  It was a quick little 2 hour trip, and a great way to spend a Saturday!