
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 30, 2011

We need your help!

We are having trouble deciding on which of the hospital pictures we should buy.  As you know, we are having newborn pictures taken by our awesome photographer (actually thursday!) so we do not want to spend a lot of money on the pictures that were taken in the hospital but we do want to have at least one from when she was one day old.  Side note: these picture packages offered at the hospital are pricey, we're not just being picky! Below are the pictures.  The poll is located on the home page of the blog.  Take a look to the right ---> 
You have one week to vote and we ask that you do not vote more than once.  Thanks!

Picture 1
Picture 2

Picture 3

It's a GIRL!

I know most of you already know that our beautiful bundle of love has arrived, but I still wanted to post some pictures from the hospital, to hold you all over.

Monday, January 24, 2011

An end in sight!

I'd say today's Dr's appointment was right up there with one of the best! Not only did we see our little "porker" or a baby (more on that in a minute) but we have a game plan and the end is in sight! 

So we started the morning with a sonogram, which we knew we were having, so Donny made sure to join in on this appointment.  The sonographer warned babies this late in term are tough to fit in the screen, but she would try to get some pictures...but no promises.  So she did lots of looking around to make sure everything looked good.  The brain, heart, bladder, stomach, and kidneys were all accounted for!  Also, Bambino Burch has TONS of hair!  She kept saying, wow that is impressive.  We also had to turn our heads a couple of times to keep the sex of this baby a secret!  I mean we've made it this far, although  Don tried sneaking a peak!  So baby is head down and anterior which is perfect birthing position and amniotic fluid was normal.  She also did a lot of measurements to get a predicted size of this baby.  Everytime she'd draw lines and circles for her measurements, the gestation age would be 38 or 39, and I'm thinking, Great! this baby is a peanut!  Welllll.... come to find out, an estimated weight of this "little" bambino is 8lbs 9oz!! I about fell off the table.  Now this can be off by up to a pound and a 1/2 but still!  They aren't pulling those numbers out of thin air. 
So she was able to get some great pictures of the cutest little pucker lips this babe has, which also gained some more raving.  I think those are Donny's lips!

She also wanted to get some 3D images because of the shear cuteness of our sleeping babe.

Look at those chubby cheeks!  Can't wait to be smothering those cheeks with kiss by the end of the week :)

So then I had another non-stress test and the baby is still very active and doing good.  This also showed some very little contractions, but nothing I could feel.  
Onto the exam....I'm still progressing well and dilating like a machine!  I'm now 4cm, 70% effaced and baby is still very low.  The doctor said I must have 5 star accomadations in there! She also said my placenta is a grade 1, which out of 3 is the best grade for passing of nutrients and blood flow.  She said this is likley the reason he or she isn't moving.  Clearly this baby is getting its nutrients!  So we decided we better set up a date for induction before this baby gets any bigger.  So if we have no baby action, Thursday morning at 7:30 we're getting the show on the road! 

Game on!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

40 Weeks - Where is baby?

Ohhh January 19th!  I now realize I have a love-hate relationship with you.  I love that you are the day my wonderfully, supportive, smart, oh so witty, always make me laugh, handsome husband was born into this world, and destined to be my endless love.  I loved being able to proudly announce you as the due date of our baby to be, in hopes of giving Don the best birthday present ever, and if not, it was still a fun due date!  And its not too shabby that both Bambino Burch and Donny share this date with National Popcorn Day! (If anyone knows Don, they know this is completely fitting!)
But now with the final hours of this day ticking away, I'm strongly disliking (because hate is too strong of a word, afterall its still my husband's birthday) you!  It doesn't look like they'll share a birthday or at the least, go into labor on his birthday?

Ohhh where is this baby?!?  The pure terror and nervousness has subsided (mostly) and we are now just so eager and anxious to meet him or her!  Donny asks every few hours if I'm feeling anything.  His excitement makes me even more excited for the arrival.  

In an effort to get the show on the road, we succumbed to more pregnancy wives tales.  We've tried massage, specifically pressure points in the feet and hands, I walked 2 miles on the treadmill today, did work on my laptop on all 4s, bounced on an exercise ball while Fausto attacked it, and made spicy chili for lunch.  
I asked Donny what he wanted to do for his birthday dinner.  He hoped for hospital food.  Bummer!  So instead he settled for pizza and wings.  Mind you, I don't like chicken wings, but ate more than half of them for their spiciness.  What is the idea behind this wives tale?  Smoke the baby out with heat?

So obviously, here is a picture of us hoping to wildfire the baby out! No I'm not wearing lips are on fire!!

I had a Dr's appointment on Tuesday instead of today because of a little issue that is a little graphic for blogging purposes.  Regardless, everything is perfectly wonderful.  I did have a non-stress test, in which the baby's heartrate and any contractions were monitored.  It was a lot of fun to watch the fetal heartrates over a period of about 30 minutes.  They ranged mostly from 135-145 bpm but would drop down into the 120s too.  But anytime the baby would start kicking or moving they'd shoot up to 160-170 bpm.  This is completely normal since like an adult exercising, the heartrate increases when the baby moves.  The Dr who read the results said what a gorgeous baby we have, and how happy the baby must be in there.  Oh and no contractions!
So then on to my exam.  I am now 3cm dilated, 60-70% effaced, and the baby is -1 to 0 station, meaning very low.  I don't mean to brag, but I'm so good at dilating!! The positive to the waiting, is most people have to go through a lot of pain to get to this point, and I'm feeling nothing.  My appointment was with the NP that has been with us from the beginning.  I haven't seen her since our first appointment, so many weeks ago.  She was so positive and said I was all belly and still had such a thin face, and that I had an exceptionally beautiful belly!  Who doesn't wanna hear that, at this stage of pregnancy?  So this was such a morale boosting appointment.  
My next appointment is Monday (I hope we don't get to this point), for a routine non-stress test to again see how baby is doing and an ultrasound to check for fluid levels...and to set a date for an induction! EEK!!  

How Big Is The Baby This Week: Well my research doesn't go over 40 weeks! Soooo I guess the watermelon just keeps getting bigger and bigger.  I'm hoping not too big.  

Weight gain: 30lbs

Sleep? Ehh.  I have not been sleeping well at all.  This could be my own fault for napping and going to bed and waking whenever.  I just don't wanna miss anything I guess!

Cravings? Still no real cravings!

Aches and pains?  Just the usual kicks, especially in my ribs!
Signs of labor? I could be in labor right now..I'm going to get to 10cm without ever feeling anything!  Wishful thinking...

What I miss? If you're reading this..I miss YOU :)

Reaching Milestones: Well I'd say we've reached quite the milestone!  I'm curious to see what the countdown at the top of the page with read after tonight.  


Bonus picture with my crazy pups!

Monday, January 17, 2011

And the bomb keeps ticking....

Throughout pregnancy I thought for sure I'd be one of those people that went well over her due date.  This of course would result in the horror story filled...INDUCING!
But then we had such positive changes from appointment to appointment, I thought, this could actually happen naturally, and when everyone is "ready." (Really the only one who would be REALLY ready would be baby of course, but we'd all get by of course.)

So today was lets walk this baby out.  So we spent the day walking as much as possible.  We walked the mall, we walked the grocery store, we walked BabiesRUs.  Nothing.  
So step #2...I just had a bowl of fresh pineapple, so we'll see what that does.  

Don thinks tonight is the's to daddy's intuition.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

39 Weeks!

Here we are at 39 weeks.  Makes me wonder...will there be a 40 week blog?  or even a 41 week blog?  Be assured avid blog readers, this blog won't just end once Baby Burch enters the world.  We (and by we, I really mean me) will continue to  post updates on our new family member.

We had some serious progress at this weeks Dr's appointment.  Because of an emergency, I had the NP that I had a few weeks ago, who was not only painful, but shared no information with me.  So this time I was prepared and made sure to ask.  My belly measurement was good and baby's heartrate was between 140-160??  She couldn't make it anymore precise?  Apparently, it started out about 140 but then began to speed up once the doppler was in place.  But most exciting...since Thursday, I'm now 2cm dilated, 50% effaced, and she said the baby's head "is right here."  She was really animated about how low the baby was.  She even told me I could feel it if I wanted.  Uhh okay lady. 

So the time bomb keeps tickin'...

How Big Is The Baby This Week: Still a watermelon.  Average size of a baby born at full term is 18.9-20.9in and weighs 6.2-9.2 pounds. 

Weight gain: I was actually down a pound since my last appointment on Thursday.  But all together total weight gain is now 28lbs. 

Sleep? The past couple of nights have not been great for sleeping.  Sometimes its difficult for me to fall asleep but then last night I woke up in the middle of the night and just couldn't fall back asleep.  I'm also fighting my 3rd cold of this pregnancy!

Cravings? Hmm...I'd love a Friendly's 3 Scoop Reese's Pieces sundae!  I even have a coupon for BOGO :)  Of course I'd just have one..Don would have the other!

Aches and pains?  Despite the lack of room..the Bambino is kicking my ribs harder than ever.  I've also felt a lot more kicks into my back.  There is some major movement and shaking going on in there.  Running out of room?  Not our baby!  I'm also feeling more belly pressure as the days go on. 
Signs of labor? I think yesterday's check-up was a step in the right direction.  

What I miss? It is a little nerve racking to be out and about.  I mean, what if I'm one of those people that has their water break standing in front of the pickles at the grocery store?

Reaching Milestones: The nursery is almost complete...almost.  And that's why I haven't posted any pictures yet.  I wanted to highlight the final product.  Don began making the bookshelf for all of the Bambino's books.  Hopefully we'll have enough time to finish it!!


Friday, January 7, 2011

38 Week Dr's appointment update

So lets be honest...who thought maybe there was some baby action when I didn't post my update yesterday after my appointment??  Anyone?  Don't we all wish...

It appears that I am going to be that pregnant girl that is dilated for weeks....
So on that note, still 1 cm dilated. But baby is still head down and moving south, so we'll take it!  Heart rate was good at 140bpm and I measured right on.  

I know things can change in an instant.  And honestly I'm just thankful the baby is head down.  My next obstacle to overcome, is I just want to go into labor naturally.  Although the idea of my water breaking in public is frightening.  But I'd prefer not to be induced!  Such a coin toss pregnancy is.
I'm not uncomfortable yet and there are still things to be marked off the "list"..and there really is a to-do-list, so I'm okay will the "progress" we're making.  

My next appointment is Tuesday, so maybe there will be some changes by then?!?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

38 Weeks

Oh boy Oh boy (or girl)!  38 Weeks!! 

I don't have an OB update, until after tomorrow's appointment, so I'm not sure what progress, if any, I'll have to report.  Hopefully good and progressive news.  I'll be sure to update tomorrow.  I did have an appointment with the Hematologist earlier this week, and although still low, my platelets have gone up a bit.  124 is far from the forbidden "no epidural 100."  So we'll take it!  

We had a really exciting day today.  We got our new sectional for downstairs as well as the "blessed" dresser/changing table.  Well lets just say the sectional is beautiful.  Lets also say, NEVER order any furniture, or anything for that matter (okay maybe a little drastic), from JCPenny.  We got the 3rd dresser today, which was to be hand checked by a supervisor before boxed and ship.  What do you know....a small chip and split in the wood.  Well I just can't take it anymore, and Don is pretty sure he can fix/touch them up, but you best believe a call has already been placed for some kind of compensation.  But on a positive note, clothes are put away, and we'll have some nursery pictures to update pretty soon :)

Also equally if not more exciting, all of the maternity pictures we had taken are updated and on our photographer's website.  There are some that just crack me up!  So when you have a spare moment...there are 232 pictures :) Take a look see.  I really love them and they'll be very memorable many years from now. 

How Big Is The Baby This Week: Watermelon baby until the bambino is born!  The baby is on average 20.5-20.7 inches and about 7.3lbs.  The baby is seriously running out of room, but like clockwork, about 7:00pm-until I finally can get myself to fall asleep, this baby is thrashing like a champ in there!

Weight gain: Hmm I'm not so sure since I didn't have an appointment.  It seemed like I was gaining 1lb a week, so my guess is about 27-28lbs. 

Sleep? Sleeping is good, besides the nightly bathroom trip, but I'm able to fall right back to sleep.  And like I said before, I think this baby is even more active now despite the lack of room.  So within the week have been having a hard time falling asleep because of the belly party!

Cravings? Nothing that I can think of...not surprised are you?  Maybe I should just make something up, like coby jack cheese slices and a can of spam??

Aches and pains?  I'm thankfully not too uncomfortable, like many pregnant women get.  I just have that pesky back pain..but that's old news.
Signs of labor? Hopefully I'll have something to report tomorrow.   

What I miss? The carefree pregnancy idea is kind of out the window.  As the days tick away, I'm becoming more emotional and experiencing a roller coaster of feelings; from anxiousness, nervousness, fear, excitement and back around again. 

Reaching Milestones: This was a week of milestones.  We got the car seat in the car, the baby's bag packed, and some of my hospital bag stuff set aside.  I'm not so sure its nesting, because I normally like to have everything in its place and I like to be well prepared....but we have about a weeks worth of meals frozen for post baby! 


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Baby Pool

New Year = New Baby

And since a new year means new resolutions and new predictions, why not join in the fun and predict when Bambino Burch will make his or her appearance and all its stats.  If you haven't already, follow the link below and jump on in the pool. Whoever gets the lowest score, we'll name the baby after you...
Ok not really.  But you do get bragging rights!

Baby Pool