
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Project 52{8}

motherhood is:

Even if the simple tricks, give you 5 or 10 
"uninterrupted" minutes, you try them.  
Working from home, is getting harder and harder 
even more so this week, since Kenz has her 1st ear infection.  
So to keep this lady happy and content 
we pulled out all
stops...and played in a box.  

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Project 52{7}

motherhood is:

My angel baby has become a little sassy lately.
Whether it has been her growing into a toddler, new teeth, 
or missing her "milk" (her bottle),
we've had a few naptime struggles, 1:30am play sessions, 
and a few tantrums.  
But one thing that I LOVE about Kenzie is the way she
sleeps. I just wanna let her sleep on my chest
like she did when she was itty bitty.  

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Project 52{6}

motherhood is:

Surprising that the moment she was layed on my chest, 
it was if the world stopped.  
I knew it was going to be a love like no other.  But I never knew
how much my heart could swell with love, and just when
I think it could burst, she stuffs it further.
No one can ever explain what that love feels like.  
But in that moment when she stared back at me 
with those squinty deep blue eyes, I knew the
meaning of love, would never be the same. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Kenzie's Winter ONEderland Party

Last weekend we celebrated Mackenzie's Winter ONEderland Party.  I've imagined up this party for months.  I think I picked the theme when Kenzie was a few months old.  I wanted it to be perfect.  I always want birthday's to be a big deal.  Now big deal to me means, themes and specials touches, not necessarily expensive and over-the top.  I just always want to celebrate and make birthdays special, just to reflect how much she means to us, and how much things changed the day she joined our family.

So lets talk party.  Here are all the deets:
Theme: Winter ONEderland
Decor:  The whole color scheme was white, light blue, with a touch of pink (of course we gotta have it somewhat girlie)  Donny and I made 3D paper snowflakes in white, light blue, and pink. We hung these around the room as well as on birch tree branches on the food table.  Puff garland hung around the room and a few balloon bunches.
Eats:  We ordered sub and wrap trays, and chips, from Wegmans.  I also made rainbow fruit kabobs, and a veggie tray.  We had assorted pop, winter themed New York State wines, and a cooler of beer. 
The cake:  We started a new family tradition -- Don designing her birthday cake.  It was a cupcake tower with AMAZING chocolate-gonache filled cupcakes, vanila-raspberry filled cupcakes, and red velvet-cream cheese filled cupcakes.  The top which was all for her, was a tasty, yet healthy(er) banana blueberry cake.
Fashion: Kenzie's sparkly pink tu-tu and sweater were from Gap.  She paired these up with a simple white onsie, white snowflake leggings, and her Ugg boots! 
Guests: Although I was nervous, we were able to pack in 30 of our closests friends and family to celebrate the big first birthday.
Gifts:  Kenzie was spoiled with lots of wonderful gifts, including her first bike and helmet, lots of summer clothes, toys and books, a water table that will keep her busy this summer, a bean bag for reading on, tunnel & tent, and money for her college savings fund. 

So here are some (lots) pics from the extravaganza!
Poor baby isn't up for pictures!
 Lets give the presents a try!  In true baby fashion, she liked the boxes and tissue paper!
The little birthday princess!
 Cake time!
Kenzie's birthday buddies - Quinn and Maya
Perfect 1st birthday for a perfect 1 year old!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Project 52{5}

motherhood is:

The quirks that only we know.
Like needing to hold this food covered 
balloon at every meal.
Or your insta-smile and dance anytime you figure out
how to turn the music on the iPhone. 
I love how much we know you.