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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

21 Weeks

So I decided to celebrate 21 weeks with wearing my first pair of pregnancy pants! I was still wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans, buttoned and all, but Don thought i was squeezing the baby. I also tried on some maternity shirts today..and I have to say, they have the "miraculous" ability to make you look like you're smuggling a basketball under your shirt. So I passed on those for a couple of weeks.

I had a Dr.'s appointment with a Hematologist today. Over the past couple of prenatal visits, they've had me do some repeat blood work, and noticed my platelet counts continued to drop. So today I was officially diagnosed with Gestational Thrombocytopenia. So what does this mean for me and Beezus? It includes hematology appointments every 4 weeks, then once a week 8 months and on. It's most important come delivery day, to be sure the platelets are high enough for an unwanted C-section or even an epidural. I like to keep my options open, especially for the later. Luckily, today I had a normal count! Sooo just maybe we'll be in the clear.

How Many Weeks: 21

How Big Is The Baby This Week: Beezus is about the size of a banana this week -- about 10.5 in. and nearing 13oz. I don't like bananas but I do love Beezus.

Weight gain: I think I've gained about 4-5 pounds so far. Probably not enough for my Dr.'s liking!

Sleep? The nauseousness is back and in full force, specifically right before bed. So sleep is really varying these days!

Cravings? I think I've been eating pretty great so far, with no huge must haves. I crave Pizza Hut pizza, but lets me honest...who doesn't love that pan pizza!!

Signs of labor? No way!

What I miss? Feta cheese!!

Reaching Milestones: We have been doing serious registry research. I picked out our furniture. (I say I because Don said I got to pick it out!) and of course we ordered the bedding which you saw. There also has been some fantastic steps forward with my baby shower which have me so eager for November!

**Better late then never. I really wanted to be doing this from the beginning but from here on out, I'll (really) try to add a weekly bump picture.


  1. look at that HUGE BUMP!!! I love it, trust me it'll be amazing when you do a slideshow of these and see how much progress there is in just one week!

    Also, I had a hearty laugh at Don's "squeezing the baby" comment. You guys are going to make great parents and I cannot wait!

    PS: Happy Anniversary to you guys, and the Beezus.
