
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Our new pack member

When Kenzie was born, our family of 4 quickly turned to a whopping family of 5.  Now most would assume family of 3, but when it comes to our first babies, Grady and Fausto, are forever included as members of the family.  Some said.."oh that will change when you have a baby."  But I just couldn't see that happening with us...not with my Grady-pup and Fausto-bear.  And although these boys have given us a run for our money; including getting kicked out of daycare while we were vacationing in Mexico, a brand new pair of Ugg boots turned into very expensive chew toys, and multiple pieces of furniture requiring some re-stuffing and eventually a trip to the curb -- I am still crazy about our first babies!  First my birthday surprise Grady, and then our unexpected blessing, Fausto...they made up our first family.  These sweet babies taught me how to love as a mom and gave me the first glimpse at how amazing their Dad was gonna be at the "real" thing.  The joys they have brought us are countless. 

exactly one month untill 1 makes 5
I remember being pregnant and talking with Donny about how Grady and Fausto would be with the new baby.  We figured Grady...the loner but lover, would not care too much and just keep to himself...until food was involved.  Then there's Fausto...the big baby and snuggler, would be the in-your-face kind of brother; sleeping on her nursery floor, snatching up snacks from her hands, and being as close as possible, even if it meant squishing her.  
He's been a fan of hers since the beginning..and continues to be as you can see in all the pictures of the two of them. 


Everyone asks us, "how are the dogs with the baby."  Well we were pretty spot on.  Grady comes around on his own time and gives her some smooches when no one is looking, and Fausto pretty much licks her cheeks off any chance he gets!

 I think these three are gonna be best of friends soon.  Especially once they realize she will likely end up with more food on her face and hands and leaving a trail behind her!  I can't wait to see her sandwiched in the middle of these two, running and playing.  But for now I'll just enjoy her light up when she sees them and decifering her "conversations" with them!!

1 comment:

  1. This post made me teary eyed thinking about my dogs. You did a great job on this one.
