
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

40 Weeks - Where is baby?

Ohhh January 19th!  I now realize I have a love-hate relationship with you.  I love that you are the day my wonderfully, supportive, smart, oh so witty, always make me laugh, handsome husband was born into this world, and destined to be my endless love.  I loved being able to proudly announce you as the due date of our baby to be, in hopes of giving Don the best birthday present ever, and if not, it was still a fun due date!  And its not too shabby that both Bambino Burch and Donny share this date with National Popcorn Day! (If anyone knows Don, they know this is completely fitting!)
But now with the final hours of this day ticking away, I'm strongly disliking (because hate is too strong of a word, afterall its still my husband's birthday) you!  It doesn't look like they'll share a birthday or at the least, go into labor on his birthday?

Ohhh where is this baby?!?  The pure terror and nervousness has subsided (mostly) and we are now just so eager and anxious to meet him or her!  Donny asks every few hours if I'm feeling anything.  His excitement makes me even more excited for the arrival.  

In an effort to get the show on the road, we succumbed to more pregnancy wives tales.  We've tried massage, specifically pressure points in the feet and hands, I walked 2 miles on the treadmill today, did work on my laptop on all 4s, bounced on an exercise ball while Fausto attacked it, and made spicy chili for lunch.  
I asked Donny what he wanted to do for his birthday dinner.  He hoped for hospital food.  Bummer!  So instead he settled for pizza and wings.  Mind you, I don't like chicken wings, but ate more than half of them for their spiciness.  What is the idea behind this wives tale?  Smoke the baby out with heat?

So obviously, here is a picture of us hoping to wildfire the baby out! No I'm not wearing lips are on fire!!

I had a Dr's appointment on Tuesday instead of today because of a little issue that is a little graphic for blogging purposes.  Regardless, everything is perfectly wonderful.  I did have a non-stress test, in which the baby's heartrate and any contractions were monitored.  It was a lot of fun to watch the fetal heartrates over a period of about 30 minutes.  They ranged mostly from 135-145 bpm but would drop down into the 120s too.  But anytime the baby would start kicking or moving they'd shoot up to 160-170 bpm.  This is completely normal since like an adult exercising, the heartrate increases when the baby moves.  The Dr who read the results said what a gorgeous baby we have, and how happy the baby must be in there.  Oh and no contractions!
So then on to my exam.  I am now 3cm dilated, 60-70% effaced, and the baby is -1 to 0 station, meaning very low.  I don't mean to brag, but I'm so good at dilating!! The positive to the waiting, is most people have to go through a lot of pain to get to this point, and I'm feeling nothing.  My appointment was with the NP that has been with us from the beginning.  I haven't seen her since our first appointment, so many weeks ago.  She was so positive and said I was all belly and still had such a thin face, and that I had an exceptionally beautiful belly!  Who doesn't wanna hear that, at this stage of pregnancy?  So this was such a morale boosting appointment.  
My next appointment is Monday (I hope we don't get to this point), for a routine non-stress test to again see how baby is doing and an ultrasound to check for fluid levels...and to set a date for an induction! EEK!!  

How Big Is The Baby This Week: Well my research doesn't go over 40 weeks! Soooo I guess the watermelon just keeps getting bigger and bigger.  I'm hoping not too big.  

Weight gain: 30lbs

Sleep? Ehh.  I have not been sleeping well at all.  This could be my own fault for napping and going to bed and waking whenever.  I just don't wanna miss anything I guess!

Cravings? Still no real cravings!

Aches and pains?  Just the usual kicks, especially in my ribs!
Signs of labor? I could be in labor right now..I'm going to get to 10cm without ever feeling anything!  Wishful thinking...

What I miss? If you're reading this..I miss YOU :)

Reaching Milestones: Well I'd say we've reached quite the milestone!  I'm curious to see what the countdown at the top of the page with read after tonight.  


Bonus picture with my crazy pups!

1 comment:

  1. So... did I mention I'm also a massage therapist?
    Other pressure points (the names are via shiatsu, not organs):

    oku - This point can be found on the top of your hand... follow your index/pointer finger down. 1/3 of the way between your knuckle and your wrist, press on the side towards your thumb. Confused? This one is hard to explain... See here:

    Spleen 6 - On the inside of the ankle, trace up four of mother's finger widths above the ankle bone. Rub for about 1 minute.

    And I don't remember the name for this one, but it's at the highest point of your shoulder (trapezius), press straight down... but not hard enough where it's painful, just steady pressure.

    Good luck!
