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Friday, January 7, 2011

38 Week Dr's appointment update

So lets be honest...who thought maybe there was some baby action when I didn't post my update yesterday after my appointment??  Anyone?  Don't we all wish...

It appears that I am going to be that pregnant girl that is dilated for weeks....
So on that note, still 1 cm dilated. But baby is still head down and moving south, so we'll take it!  Heart rate was good at 140bpm and I measured right on.  

I know things can change in an instant.  And honestly I'm just thankful the baby is head down.  My next obstacle to overcome, is I just want to go into labor naturally.  Although the idea of my water breaking in public is frightening.  But I'd prefer not to be induced!  Such a coin toss pregnancy is.
I'm not uncomfortable yet and there are still things to be marked off the "list"..and there really is a to-do-list, so I'm okay will the "progress" we're making.  

My next appointment is Tuesday, so maybe there will be some changes by then?!?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Erin! I am thinking of you often and just waiting for the baby-on-the-way text :) You are going to be such a fantastic mommy.
