
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

38 Weeks

Oh boy Oh boy (or girl)!  38 Weeks!! 

I don't have an OB update, until after tomorrow's appointment, so I'm not sure what progress, if any, I'll have to report.  Hopefully good and progressive news.  I'll be sure to update tomorrow.  I did have an appointment with the Hematologist earlier this week, and although still low, my platelets have gone up a bit.  124 is far from the forbidden "no epidural 100."  So we'll take it!  

We had a really exciting day today.  We got our new sectional for downstairs as well as the "blessed" dresser/changing table.  Well lets just say the sectional is beautiful.  Lets also say, NEVER order any furniture, or anything for that matter (okay maybe a little drastic), from JCPenny.  We got the 3rd dresser today, which was to be hand checked by a supervisor before boxed and ship.  What do you know....a small chip and split in the wood.  Well I just can't take it anymore, and Don is pretty sure he can fix/touch them up, but you best believe a call has already been placed for some kind of compensation.  But on a positive note, clothes are put away, and we'll have some nursery pictures to update pretty soon :)

Also equally if not more exciting, all of the maternity pictures we had taken are updated and on our photographer's website.  There are some that just crack me up!  So when you have a spare moment...there are 232 pictures :) Take a look see.  I really love them and they'll be very memorable many years from now. 

How Big Is The Baby This Week: Watermelon baby until the bambino is born!  The baby is on average 20.5-20.7 inches and about 7.3lbs.  The baby is seriously running out of room, but like clockwork, about 7:00pm-until I finally can get myself to fall asleep, this baby is thrashing like a champ in there!

Weight gain: Hmm I'm not so sure since I didn't have an appointment.  It seemed like I was gaining 1lb a week, so my guess is about 27-28lbs. 

Sleep? Sleeping is good, besides the nightly bathroom trip, but I'm able to fall right back to sleep.  And like I said before, I think this baby is even more active now despite the lack of room.  So within the week have been having a hard time falling asleep because of the belly party!

Cravings? Nothing that I can think of...not surprised are you?  Maybe I should just make something up, like coby jack cheese slices and a can of spam??

Aches and pains?  I'm thankfully not too uncomfortable, like many pregnant women get.  I just have that pesky back pain..but that's old news.
Signs of labor? Hopefully I'll have something to report tomorrow.   

What I miss? The carefree pregnancy idea is kind of out the window.  As the days tick away, I'm becoming more emotional and experiencing a roller coaster of feelings; from anxiousness, nervousness, fear, excitement and back around again. 

Reaching Milestones: This was a week of milestones.  We got the car seat in the car, the baby's bag packed, and some of my hospital bag stuff set aside.  I'm not so sure its nesting, because I normally like to have everything in its place and I like to be well prepared....but we have about a weeks worth of meals frozen for post baby! 


1 comment:

  1. LOVE your maternity pics!! They were great to look through. Some silly fun ones that made me laugh but also some really cute ones you will definitely cherish forever!
