
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Project 52{4}

motherhood is:
a blur

Some days the days are long.
But as one year has flown by,
I've realized that
the years are |too| short.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby!

Today we celebrated our little baby's 1st birthday.  I can't believe it... 1 Year Old!
The day began with Donny telling me, "Erin, It's the time that Mackenzie was born."  And as much as I wanted to run in and sing her Happy Birthday, I instead was awaken about an hour later to a singing baby sitting contently in her crib.
Don and I both took off today so we could savor every bit of her.  Our day include some preparations for her birthday this weekend, going out to lunch, and some shopping at Target, the mall, and Wegmans!

So what is Kenz up to these days?? ...

Kenzie's o'so squishable cheeks are in full force, and everyone, strangers included, always notice!
Movin & Groovin -- No, she is not walking or standing alone.  But she does love to scale the furniture so maybe in a few months.
Teeth? -- 2 bottom teeth - with a top one finally popping through.
Smartest baby on the block -- she is signing water, eat, hungry, brush your teeth, book, more, milk, and doggy.
Favorite activities -- she loves dancing, giving high-5s, anything with music, and reading her books always makes her feel better.
Temperament -  she is still the most content baby ever.  She really only cries if she gets hurt, she needs to sleep, or she's hungry.  She has occasional separation anxiety when I drop her off at daycare, but I blame that on her need for food!
Our little foodie -- for the most part she is eating amazingly.  She loves cheese and yogurt, beans and chicken.  She's a also big fan of her fruits and vegetables, although I've notice raspberries, avocado, and sweet potatoes are her favorite!

So sadly, the pack of stickers ends at 12, but I ensure you, the pictures will continue!

Mackenzie with her new birthday gift!

Climbing in and making herself comfortable!

Remember when we had to prop her up in the Bumbo and take the picture super fast?  Now I have to take the picture super fast, to get her before she climbs out of it.  

As you know, I've been a total sap-a-sarous when it comes to Kenzie's 1st birthday, and looking at these two in these two pictures is no different.
I was lucky enough to scoop the birthday girl up and let her sleep in my arms for a few minutes...which also allowed me to hide away in her room crying away, of course.  All the year's memories flooded me.. bringing her home, the day she first smiled at me, her giggly laugh.  I love them all.  She has no idea how much she is loved.
Happy Birthday my sweet Mackenzie Leigh.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

1 year later

I can't believe it has been one year since we were in Labor & Delivery Room 1 "watching" the President's State of the Union address.
I've been watching the clock all day, reminiscing where we were this time last year.  So to stick with the re-living, we headed out to dinner at Panera Bread, since that was our "Last Supper" one year ago tonight.  Growing up, I never thought I was much of a softy, but ever since Kenzie's birth, simple commercials and pictures can start the tears streaming.  So of course from the second we walked into Panera, I was holding back tears, and they didn't stop there.  There she was chewing on her straw wrapper -- cute as can be, and all I could do was cry!
I want to rush into her bedroom and scoop up my sleeping baby and snuggle with her all night long.  I can't figure out why I just want to burst out crying, but I'm trying not to knowing Don will think I'm crazy.  I can't figure out what I'm so sad and emotional about?  We have this healthy, giggly, smart, and beautiful baby girl.  She is growing and amazing us everyday, and becoming this little lady with a personality.  She makes me laugh everyday. But I still write this blog through blurry eyes. 
In the past 52 weeks, I've (we've) likely changed 3,000+ diapers, checked in on her every single night before going to bed (or in the middle of the night), I've wondered whether to call the doctor multiple times, fed the dogs more of her food than her, and wondered almost every day how we could ever live without her.  12 months ago I instantly fell in love with a chubby cheeked person I've never met.  And now we are inseparable.  She's the best thing I've ever done.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Project 52{3}

motherhood is:

Almost one full year
of loving this sweet baby face.
It's so easy loving her.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Mackenzie takes Manhattan

This past weekend we headed back to NYC to celebrate Don & Kenzie's birthdays.  We decided to head down Saturday so we'd have a full day Sunday and part of Monday before the game. 

After Kenzie's nap we headed into the city.  And after a quick detour to Brooklyn we finally made it to Central Park.
The weather was sunny but freezing -- around 20 degrees, but it felt like 0!  Mackenzie just strolled along the whole day, taking in he sights, and made friends on the subway.  

By then we were in need of some warmth, so we did some shopping at FAO Schwarz and purchased a handful of Swedish fish for $7 bucks. Since the sugar high was just not cutting it, we then headed off to a late lunch.  Kenzie was so good the entire trip, but she sure does let you know when she has had enough.

Then it was a mad rush to Battery Park before sunset.

Finally we were back to the hotel for a little pizza and a very late bedtime for Kenz.  But look at those rosey cheeks!  This girl loves hotel rooms, but  I don't think she had 2 or 3oz of her bottle before she crashed! 
Day 2:  Oh boy!  Kenzie's first Knicks game outside of the womb.  At 9 months pregnant I uncomfortably sat through a Knicks game on a Christmas trip to NYC.  We were both really excited to have Mackenzie with us this time.  
Even though she completely missed nap #2, she loved it.  She high-fived anyone within an arms reach of her, including all of the people sitting around us.  She also danced and clapped along to all of the music.  There were a few moments of surprise and nervousness at the loud cheers, but she quickly got use to it -- and no tears!  She's all ready for an Indian's game this Spring. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Birthdays and Anniversaries

January 19th, 2011 -- 1 year ago today, was our due date.  I can't believe how much has changed in just one year.  To be honest, I've been having those serious heart squeezing flashbacks lately.  Last week I was driving for work over near my Ob's office.  I thought about how I was making that drive every week.  My heart felt like it was going to burst with a mixture of sadness, love, and missingness.  
And American Idol started up this week.  I turned on a recording from the DVR this morning.  A year ago I use to do the same thing, in the wee hours of the morning during late night feedings with Kenz. 

I think Mackenzie has been sensing my need to squeeze her any chance I can get.  She's been extra snuggly.  This morning she even snuggled on my chest, just like she use to! 

So tonight we decided to celebrate  Donny's birthday  the same way we did 1 and wings.  Unfortunately our night didn't go as planned (at first).  First we took a little trip to the radiologist's office.  Funny story now, but at the time....pretty scary.  While playing with Donny's wedding ring, he noticed it was gone.  We looked everywhere...everywhere!  So the only thing we could think of was she swallowed it.  So after a few tears, we headed off to the ambulatory center.  They were expecting us, and I have to say, so happy to see Mackenzie!  They greeted us with a "There's that hungry baby."  Sadly neither Don or I could go back to assist, which instantly brought the tears back.  But they came back with our smiley baby quickly, and with no noticeable ring in her belly.  All the ladies were raving about Kenzie...specifically her cheeks, and pouty lip, and how observant she was of everything around her exam room. 
So since all was okay, we headed off to Torella's 1 year later.... 
Our sweet baby Mackenzie Leigh could not be anymore perfect!  So lucky, blessed, and overjoyed to have her join our family. 
Chicken wing picture + baby! 

Happy Birthday Daddy!!