
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby!

Today we celebrated our little baby's 1st birthday.  I can't believe it... 1 Year Old!
The day began with Donny telling me, "Erin, It's the time that Mackenzie was born."  And as much as I wanted to run in and sing her Happy Birthday, I instead was awaken about an hour later to a singing baby sitting contently in her crib.
Don and I both took off today so we could savor every bit of her.  Our day include some preparations for her birthday this weekend, going out to lunch, and some shopping at Target, the mall, and Wegmans!

So what is Kenz up to these days?? ...

Kenzie's o'so squishable cheeks are in full force, and everyone, strangers included, always notice!
Movin & Groovin -- No, she is not walking or standing alone.  But she does love to scale the furniture so maybe in a few months.
Teeth? -- 2 bottom teeth - with a top one finally popping through.
Smartest baby on the block -- she is signing water, eat, hungry, brush your teeth, book, more, milk, and doggy.
Favorite activities -- she loves dancing, giving high-5s, anything with music, and reading her books always makes her feel better.
Temperament -  she is still the most content baby ever.  She really only cries if she gets hurt, she needs to sleep, or she's hungry.  She has occasional separation anxiety when I drop her off at daycare, but I blame that on her need for food!
Our little foodie -- for the most part she is eating amazingly.  She loves cheese and yogurt, beans and chicken.  She's a also big fan of her fruits and vegetables, although I've notice raspberries, avocado, and sweet potatoes are her favorite!

So sadly, the pack of stickers ends at 12, but I ensure you, the pictures will continue!

Mackenzie with her new birthday gift!

Climbing in and making herself comfortable!

Remember when we had to prop her up in the Bumbo and take the picture super fast?  Now I have to take the picture super fast, to get her before she climbs out of it.  

As you know, I've been a total sap-a-sarous when it comes to Kenzie's 1st birthday, and looking at these two in these two pictures is no different.
I was lucky enough to scoop the birthday girl up and let her sleep in my arms for a few minutes...which also allowed me to hide away in her room crying away, of course.  All the year's memories flooded me.. bringing her home, the day she first smiled at me, her giggly laugh.  I love them all.  She has no idea how much she is loved.
Happy Birthday my sweet Mackenzie Leigh.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Beautiful!!! I hope she has a wonderful party :) Can't wait to see pix!
