
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 18, 2012

15 Month Check-up

Well better late then never I suppose... So back a few weeks Kenz had her 15 month appointment.  I don't know why I felt more anxiety about this one, and those blessed shots....but I was nervous!  Enough to be sick to me stomach the night before.  But we toughed it out as usual, and she wasn't kicking and screaming like I imagine she will be at some point in her life.  
So what is she up to these days?  Here are her stats:

Length: 33in, 97th percentile, she's back on the chart folks!
Weight: 22lbs 13oz, 43th percentile
 = tall and skinny baby!
Movin' & Groovin: Kenz is fully toddling around these days.  She started walking probably 2 months ago and decided she was going to take some time off from that after taking a couple of nasty face-plants.  But probably a month ago she decided she was ready to turn heads and really perfected her adorable wobble.  
Teeth:  At her appointment she had a solid 6 pearly whites.  2 front top, 3 bottom front, and 1 molar? in the back.  Over the past few days I noticed 3 new guys popping up to say hi, including another molar.    
Smartest baby on the block:  Oh the sign language has taken off, and it's really the cutest thing ever.  I"m so glad researched the concept and dove right in with it.  I think it has really payed off when it comes to her communicating as best as possible.  Since her 1 year update she has added; all done, banana, drink, cereal, bird, fish, signing, yogurt, bath, please, cracker, up, and down. 
What is she saying? Mom (and Don even taught her how to yell Mom...just precious when you can hear her across the grocery story yelling Mommmmm) , Da-da, cheese, doggie, na-na (banana), see ya, hiiiiii.  She really repeats a lot of things we say to her, including when Don asks her where she wants to go to college.... Hav-ad!  I guess we better start adding a little more to her college savings fund!
Favorite things:  This girl loves basketball.  LOVES it.  She recognizes it when its on TV, even from the other room.  She loves to watch baseball with daddy and claps when the people on TV do.  She loves being outside, although the swing is not a favorite, but she loves the slide. She also has developed a new found love for bags.  And the bigger and more awkward the better.  Her favorites include reusable shopping bags.   
Temperament:  Well as I knew it would, Kenz has a little bit off a wild side to her.  She throws fits, she throws her self onto the floor, and throws food.  This could be because of those 3 new teeth coming in all at once, but I'm guess she is just getting older and frustrated with her lack of a real voice.  But we are handling it, and hoping she will grow out of this sooner than later and hoping these sass attacks will be few and far between!
Little foodie?  She is still eating pretty good although not as much now that she insits on feeding herself with a fork and spoon.  Very little actually makes it into her mouth, but those said fits may occur if we don't allow her to be Ms. Independent.  

So after her Dr. appointment we decided to combine 2 of her favorite things...clapping fans at the local softball fields and the playground!


  1. Great pictures. Love the update. Stay motivated...I would get your blog printed in book form yearly to chart your progress. I started late but the blog book is way better than any of the baby journals out there. So much more personal!

    Keep up the good work. Our Central Park Mommy Jogging Club still talks about your posts!

    1. So glad you're all sticking around with us on this ride! I have some major catch up to do!
