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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Family of 3 on a great big boat!

I may have to do this in stages if this will ever happen.  So lets get started.   
Back in the summer Don and I made a deal that if he ran 3 miles (just on his own, not even a race) hed get a bike.  Mine was, if I ran a 5k, we could go on vacation.  Well lets see how that worked out.  Don ran 3 miles, after 3 tries of not running in years....never got a bike.  I never ran a 5k, probably not even close, and just a few weeks ago we went on a little family vacation aboard the Majesty of the Seas.  I totally win!  
We flew down to Ft Lauderdale and took a quick drive over to Miami, to board the ship.  Kenzie did great on the plane.  We were lucky that the nonstop flight wasn't full, so she could have her own seat.  We had her favorite electronics and she was set.    

 Before the ship departed we headed to the top deck to watch us sail off.
 Also on this trip, Kenzie's eyes somehow got more blue!
The next day we hit the pool early before venturing out to Nassau Bahamas.    

 We did a little shopping and had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe, where Don and I had lunch on our honeymoon.  Don said this is our tradition...our 2 time tradition I guess.  (Lets keep building on that honey).  I'm sorry to report, but Kenzie was ROUGH.  Very whiney and really hard to handle! We even had some people staring at us at lunch, which has never happened.  

 We then took a water taxi to Paradise Island to walk around Atlantis.  I wanted to go (and stay) at Atlantis for our 5 year anniversary...that has since come and gone.  So I'm hoping for our 10 year.  Don is well aware.  Things have changed since we were there on our honeymoon.  You use to be able to explore the resort grounds and aquariums, but now you have to buy really expensive excursions to do that.  So we just walked around and basked in the hot sun.  

So lunch was rough, and dinner was even worse.  The lovely German family we sat with must have though American children were evil, and thats why they throw butter and silverware. This was mostly my fault.  A friend of mine recommended doing a later dinner so we could get a babysitter and enjoy a dinner and the shows together.  Well the first night a 9 oclock dinner was just not cutting it for the little lady that is usually in bed 2 hours before that, and who was also sans nap for the past 2 days.  Needless to say, we quickly changed dinner to the early seating!
So after a mortifying meal, in which we even missed out on dessert! I know, right? We took a trip up to the top deck to see Nassau at night.  

 And what cruise isn't complete without a towel animal!!  

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