
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 3, 2012

18th Months ...only she is over 19 months now

Oy Vey!  Where did August go?  Totally flew by Kenzie's 18 month birthday post since I wanted to include some of our family pics!  Well lets be honest...I got those pics back weeks ago!  
But I'm really hoping that since today is the unofficial last day of summer, things will start to slow down a little bit, and I can keep up with this blog a bit better.  So who is with me?  Lets get to the update and pics.  

Length: 34.5in, 96.9th percentile, inching closer to average! Ha!
Weight: 24lbs 12oz, 49.5th percentile
For as tall as she is, I never really notice that she is towering over other kids her age!  
She is still rocking a full head of BLONDE hair which seems to get lighter and lighter by the day!!  Sometimes I look at this blonde hair blue eyed beauty and I can't believe she's ours!  I can't even imagine her with a head of brown hair.  I wonder if she ever will?  I love that people comment on her hair and her eyes!  
Movin' & Groovin: Kenzie is a walking and climbing machine.  She also likes to climb the furniture and anything with a drawer, including the oven and our bedroom night stands.  She isn't quite running yet, but she defiantly is getting faster and faster.  She also likes to 'jump' which includes a squat and standing up very quickly, but without actually leaving the ground.  Its really one of her favorite tricks.   
Teeth:  Hmm good question.  I think she has a pretty full set on the bottom besides a few empty spaces.  We also have a future dentist in the family (and avid blog follower) our cousin Kelly. About a month ago she took a look at Kenzie's teeth, at an impromptu breakfast at Dennys, since Don had noticed one on the bottom looked weird.  Kelly diagnosed her with a fused tooth, which means she may be missing a tooth once her baby tooth falls out!  Come to find out, this is quite genetic on my mom's side of the family.  On the top she only has the front 4 and a molar on one side (I think).  Even with the molars, she still tolerates teething like a champ.  In October she is going to her first dentist appointment with Kelly and I gotta say I'm pretty excited about it!
Smartest baby on the block:  Since her 1 year update she has added; all done, banana, drink, cereal, bird, fish, signing, yogurt, bath, please, cracker, up, and down.  Hmmm, she is now signing: rain, tree, flower, train, boat, horse, frog, cat, apple, peach, stop, car, bike, baby, socks, shoes, hat, coat, please, thank you, bug, grass, banana, juice, hurt.  I think she knows around 50 signs.  And although she can speak a little better, I still love watching her sign.  I thinks he could sit and watch her Baby Signing time DVDs which we have coded "BST" since she goes crazzzzy for it even if we talk about it.  
What is she saying? Over the past few months, Kenzie's vocabulary has really taken off.  She really tries to repeat anything you ask her, but some of my favorites that she says are peecse (please), dant-you (thank you), ee-za (pizza), beeceball (baseball), Waahoo (Chief Wahoo the Indians mascot).  I gotta say, I love listening to her gab.  I love when she grabs the phone and walks around like she is carrying a conversation on with her BFF.  
Favorite things:  She still loves baseball especially watching it with Daddy.  They clap and even boo.  Her new love is Mickey Mouse.  I'm still not a fan of her watching TV, but if we let her watch an episode or so, she'll watch Mickey Mouse clubhouse or BST.  She also loves books, even more so when Daddy reads them.  She has her favorites including The Very Ugly Bug and Pete the Cat.  
Temperament:  For the most part, she is still a very good baby? toddler.  (When can I no longer call her a baby.  Never?  Okay I planned on it.) We have complete strangers tell us how well behaved she is.  Unfortunately in the confines of our home, she has been known to hit and throw in a ridiculous rage.  She also has become possessive of her things, which includes even if the dogs walk in her sacred space.  
Little foodie?  For the most party she eats pretty good.  If you ask her, "Kenz, what would you like for breakfast."  The answer is "ee-za"  The girl loves the stuff!  She can still be a bit quirky about things.  She is now eating a whole bowl of fruit as a snack every night, but if I offer the same fruit during the day, she won't touch it.  Don thinks she eats it because she is trying to stall bedtime. 
Potty time:  About a month ago we started noticing that we could jump on the potty train.  Choo-Choo!!  We've had a handful of successes but haven't really pushed anything since we have my sister's wedding at the end of the month and a family vacation in October!  
Okay enough of the rambles, which really I do for my own memories...lets take a look at the big girl!

As always I had our photographer take pictures for her 18 month birthday.  I remember being pregnant and just searching frantically last minute for someone to do my maternity pictures.  Well I randomly hit the photographer jackpot by just doing a google search.  I can't even imagine having anyone else do our pictures besides Becca.  Her talent amazes me and her work inspires me to be a better photographer.  I'm so grateful we will forever have all of the picture she's taken.  Amazing photographer and now a great friend!

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