
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 26, 2011

Our 8 Month Beauty

The days just keep passing way. too. quickly.  I want to freeze time.  Freeze these "simple" days of her scooting across the floor bypassing all of the toys and going straight for the cords, Rumba and Playstation3.  Freeze her love for any music she can dance too.  And freeze that smile that makes her cheeks look like they're filled with two acorns and shows that sole little bottom white tooth.
I want to freeze time because she is so so perfect, but I know I can't.  For now I'll continue kissing those cheeks when she's awake and missing her even when she's asleep right down the hall.  But I know tomorrow I'll see that beautiful smile, hair in her face, and those big blue eyes peeking through her crib.  *Perfect* 


  1. One of my mommy friends called me first thing this morning to tell me to look at your blog!! We love your wagon...Did you buy it reconditioned or did you do it yourself? We just saw that same wagon at an auction reconditioned and we wanted it but it ended up going for $1100! I know it is bad but the crying picture makes me smile.

    I did not get a chance to post on your last blog but Mackenzie looked so cute sitting in the back seat with her shoes, Indians shirt, and hooded sweatshirt on.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. HI!! It was my husbands from when he was little. My inlaws restored it for us, and filled it with other gifts, and gave it to us for a shower gift!

    I also like the crying picture. She goes along with all of my photo session...but last night she had had enough!

    Thanks for all your sweet comments :)
