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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

30 Weeks

As of today, I'm 75% through pregnancy.  *Gasp!*  Only 10 weeks to go, until January 19th!! 

Yesterday we had a busy baby day.  I had my 30 week appt, which means we are going every 2 weeks now.  I remember them telling us this progression, months ago thinking how far away this was...and now we are here!  Another flawless check-ip.  HR is still about 150, and I'm measuring perfect.  So you know how I've been convinced this baby is a crazy mover?  Well the Dr. confirmed it.  It took her a good 30 seconds to actually get the heartrate because the baby was somersaulting and kicking all over the place. 
Then last night we had our 2nd of 3 childbirth classes.  We watched a couple more videos set in the 80s.  Being the completely mature, expectant parents that we are..we totally broke into a laughing fit, which is never a good thing, in this setting.  Unfortunately we are beginning to think the classes are a bit of a waste of time, since a lot of the information we already know, or could probably learn ourselves.   We did get a tour of the labor and delivery unit, so at least we know where all the action will take place!
So I'm back riding the Team Boy train, although I my "feeling" jumps back and forth.  But I did have a dream last night it was a boy.  Also, when working at the hospital last weekend, I had 3 different people tell me they thought it was a boy too. Two assured me they are "never wrong."   This is going to be the BEST surprise!

How Many Weeks: 30 weeks -- 10 to go!!  Or less perhaps ;)

How Big Is The Baby This Week: Our little squash, is likely about 15.7 inches long, and about 3.3 lbs this week.  Whew, he/she is getting bigger!!

Weight gain: Holy weight gain.  Since my last appt 3 weeks ago, I gained 4lbs!  The nurse said the baby went through a growth spurt which shows with my belly pop.  So I'm up to 17lbs!  

Sleep? No problems with sleeping!  I have notice I almost daily need a nap in the afternoon, but otherwise I feel energetic!

Cravings? While grocery shopping this week, I had a inkling for some Lucky Charms..and they were on sale, so I caved :)  Man are they delish!

Aches and pains? My ribs and bladder need a break!

Signs of labor? What a silly question! I don't even think I've got any Braxton-Hicks contractions that many experience by now.

What I miss? Nothing to miss...with so much excitement to look forward to  :)

Reaching Milestones: My baby shower is this weekend!  I CAN NOT wait to celebate the Bambino with family and friends. 


1 comment:

  1. Erin and Don,

    Just love reading your fun! So, I was thinking for sure you were having a girl, but then I look at your picture and I think boy. Very perplexing. I'll have to get a better look at your tomorrow at your shower! Have a great day!

    Sara :)
