We had our first of three, childbirth classes last night. The class has about 10-12 couples, most with due dates in January. Besides some anatomy and labor and delivery terms, we learned some breathing and massage techniques for yours truly. I enjoyed practicing those. :) We also watched a birthing video, which lets be honest, I would've been fine never seeing. One second I'm thinking, what were we thinking?...the next I'm getting all emotional and teary-eyed because this wonderful couple had their baby.
I've also been noticing how much of a mover this baby is. Not that I have anything to compare it to, but I like to think, this baby moves more than the average. Perhaps a little athlete in there after all. This Bambino has been an overachiever since we first saw the heartbeat a day early. This movin' and shakin' has come with some pain since it tends to kick my ribs as well as the occasional trampoline action on my bladder.
How Many Weeks: 29
How Big Is The Baby This Week: For the next few weeks, Baby B. is being compared to a squash (very appropriate for Fall, don't ya think?) Its over 15 (approaching 15.5, I am guessing) inches and over 2.8 - 3.1 lbs now.
Weight gain: This morning I was still around 14lbs for weight gain.
Sleep? Sleep is good, besides the, just about nightly trips to the bathroom. This week I've also been taking daily naps, but still able to go to bed at a reasonable time.
Cravings? I'd say I've gotten a little bit of a sweet tooth within the past week. Right now I'd love some fruit salad, specifically out of a watermelon carved basket....but I'm not picky!
Aches and pains? Still feeling good, besides the occasional foot? head? fist? into my ribs.
Signs of labor? After last nights video...maybe I will be a medical phenomenon and not have contractions??...wishful thinking.
What I miss? I've just about had it with maternity clothes these days. I have my baby shower I have yet to find an outfit for, I have a wedding this weekend, and just day to day I'm less and less comfortable in anything besides sweats and t-shirts.
Reaching Milestones: I'm not sure I can think of a specific milestone for this week, besides our first birthing class. I remember signing up for them weeks ago, thinking how far away they are.
A squash?! Baby is getting pretty big! I wish I could be with you this weekend- sounds like the baby would wiggle around more for me if I was- I think you have a little athlete in there ;) You are looking SO cute.