
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Camden -- 6, 7, 8 months old

Dear Camden:
I'm so sorry I have not kept a better record of everything you've done the past 3 months.  I swear I love you just as much as your sister.  Your daddy says you are a boy and won't care at all when you're 20, but I still feel bad.  
I tried my best to remember.  I never want to forget my memories of you and your sister.  These are the happiest days of our lives, and we never want to forget them!

Daily Routine:
Blessed with another fabulous sleeper.  He doesn't nap as long as Kenzie did, but he goes to be earlier.  Usually around 6:00 or so he's ready for you bottle and bed.  He does wake up earlier then Kenzie did, and isn't as content in the crib for as long as she was.  
As the months go on we can put him to bed earlier and earlier.  Usually around 5:30 he starts to "wilt" and needs to get his bedtime routine started.  He is still taking 2 naps although they are usually only 1-2 hours.  

As from the last post...we started with avocado.  He also eats sweet potatoes, carrots pineapple, apples, pears, cantaloupe, pumpkin, and has munched on peppers, peas, and kale chips.  Still eating about 5 bottles with 8oz of formula!

Look at you Grow:
Cam was a whopping 22lbs at his 6 month appointment putting him in the 99th percentile and 90th for length.  

Who do you look like?
Maybe you're looking more like mommy.  I get more comments that you look like me, but I still see your dad a lot!

Sitting up.  Clapping.  Rolling all over the place 

Big sister Kenzie:
Kenzie comes around here and there.  She really likes to make him laugh, and will repeat things over and over if it means he'll smile or laugh at her.  She really doesn't like it when he touches her, and he typically tries to grab anything she has.  Which she of course hates!

Dear Camden, this is where my memory doesn't remember all of your firsts.... I'm sure there are others.

Solid foods
Hockey game
Trip to the museum of play
Sleepover with both grandma and grandpa
Blizzard x2
Big boy bath

See next post for what we've been doing the past 3 months!

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