
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 31, 2013


 Classic Jack-O-Lantern carving at the Burchs.  Cam enjoyed until he started getting sprayed by pumpkin mush.

Kenz got a Halloween breakfast, including ghostly pancakes and Boo milk!  And cam was just a little monster!

Halloween costume selection was a back and forth battle this year.  I knew I wanted them to go as a "couple" but couldn't decide what.  I figured this is probably one of the last years I can force Kenzie into something.  On any given day she wanted to be a pirate, and princes, and superhero, a pumpkin...anything!  And thankfully she was all about being Robin to her little brother Batman!  She has so much fun going door to door yelling "Trick or Treat".  Our plan was to hit maybe 10 houses, but she was all about it and loved running house to house so we stayed out untill Batman was ready for a bottle and bed.  He hung out in the bat mobile for most of the night and eventually slept his way through the neighborhood!  
Just looking at these pictures....I'm reallllly hoping I can pair them up again next year!  We shall see!

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