We decided to start on the first weekend of February, when 1. We'd both be home to devote our attention to it and 2. the following week, she'd be home with me, and not rushed off to daycare. We followed principles from a couple different program including Potty Training Boot Camp, and 3-day Potty Training. We followed them both pretty accurately and tried to stay as consistent as possible. The first day was rough. Every 10 min Kenz was whisked to the potty, and we hoped she'd sit there for 5 minutes. This happened all.day.long. There was no pee in the potty and lots of pee on the floor. We had a few successes on Sunday but no self-initiation, where she tells us she needs to go. We did quickly learn her cues of when she needed to go potty. But things weren't quite clicking.
Then it was back to work for Don and the next few days were a blur. Thank God for my level-headed husband. He talked me off the "I can't do it. I have to put her in a diaper ledge" a few times.
I'm happy to report, that Kenzie is diaper free besides a night time dipe. She did wake up dry this morning and ran herself over to her potty, so I'm confident it won't be too long. She doesn't have to be asked or reminded to go, she just walks over to her potty, sits, and goes. And this goes for both the pees, and poos! She has gone in public restrooms though we need to work on just sitting and going. Yesterday at lunch we took 4 trips to the bathroom because she asked, but she wouldn't go. Who likes public restrooms anyway. We also had a rough 1st day at daycare, but the 2nd day there were no accidents. In fact we are accident free the past few days!
At the beginning of this I was so overwhelmed, and stressed. I didn't go as far as looking up places to send her away and have her returned to us fully potty trained....but it crossed my mind. I also shared with friends that I'd rather give birth then go through potty training. (wow, what a hormonal mess I am). But we are passed all of this and I am...
Congratulations Erin! So glad all your hard work, time & tears paid off. Now you at least have a few diaper-free months,