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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Potty Training: 10 Day Progress Report

We are 13 days into potty training, and I can't say its been an easy road.  But looking back, I'm so proud of Kenzie and our hardwork!  Last week at this time I may have been bawling my eyes out on the phone with Don, or cleaning up pee that Kenzie had just slipped and fell in.  But now, Kenzie is totally getting it, and dare I say...POTTY TRAINED!!  

We decided to start on the first weekend of February, when 1. We'd both be home to devote our attention to it and 2.  the following week, she'd be home with me, and not rushed off to daycare.  We followed principles from a couple different program including Potty Training Boot Camp, and 3-day Potty Training.  We followed them both pretty accurately and tried to stay as consistent as possible.  The first day was rough.  Every 10 min Kenz was whisked to the potty, and we hoped she'd sit there for 5 minutes.  This happened  There was no pee in the potty and lots of pee on the floor.  We had a few successes on Sunday but no self-initiation, where she tells us she needs to go.  We did quickly learn her cues of when she needed to go potty.  But things weren't quite clicking.  

Then it was back to work for Don and the next few days were a blur.  Thank God for my level-headed husband.  He talked me off the "I can't do it.  I have to put her in a diaper ledge" a few times.  
I'm happy to report, that Kenzie is diaper free besides a night time dipe.  She did wake up dry this morning and ran herself over to her potty, so I'm confident it won't be too long.  She doesn't have to be asked or reminded to go, she just walks over to her potty, sits, and goes.  And this goes for both the pees, and poos!  She has gone in public restrooms though we need to work on just sitting and going.  Yesterday at lunch we took 4 trips to the bathroom because she asked, but she wouldn't go.  Who likes public restrooms anyway.  We also had a rough 1st day at daycare, but the 2nd day there were no accidents.  In fact we are accident free the past few days!  
At the beginning of this I was so overwhelmed, and stressed.  I didn't go as far as looking up places to send her away and have her returned to us fully potty trained....but it crossed my mind.  I also shared with friends that I'd rather give birth then go through potty training.  (wow, what a hormonal mess I am). But we are passed all of this and I am...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Dear Kenzie

I can't even believe we have a two year old.  The past 2 years are without a doubt, the fastest 2 years of my life.  And since it feels like yesterday, I remember so well what happened 2 years ago.
I don't want to forget anything, so there have been things I've been wanting to write down, and just haven't found the time to...until now.

Kenzie Leigh, 
Two years ago you were placed on my chest and stared into my eyes, with those squinty deep blue eyes.  And everyday since, we have had a front row seat watching you grow.  You have brought nothing but joy and happiness to our lives.  I'm amazed at how happy you make people.  Our family, our friends, even complete strangers.  We hear weekly... "She is so beautiful."  "What a cutie"  "You better watch out dad."  from people we dont' even know.  
While I love watching you grow and evolve into this little lady, there are some things I want to cement into my memory and never forget.  

  • I love your little voice.  You have been speaking well for a months now, but some of the things that come out of your mouth, crack us up.  Some of my favorite sayings are.  "I luv schu Moma."  "I did it."  "No, No Fa-Fo" "Its a sunny day." 
  • In fact, I think you are gonna be a gabby child.  You talk, sing, and hum all of the time, even if you are in your carseat entertaining yourself.  I swear I think you'd stay in your crib all day.  You could lay in there for hours (don't worry, I don't let you) just talking to yourself.   
  • You love pointing things out in the car, especially airplanes, Kenzie's house, and buses.  You always say buses are orange, and while I agree with you, Daddy thinks they are yellow...but you always hold you ground and insure him its orange. 
  • While there were a few weeks where you refused baths (don't worry you did still manage a shower)  you are crazy about them now, especially turning over on your belly and saying "I going swimming."    
  • On cue you will not say Hi to people, but on certain trips to the grocery store, Target, or restaurants you say Hi to everyone you see.... repeatedly.  Even when they are trying to eat their food, or have moved to another aisle, you continue to say Hi over and over.  It can be quite awkward, but we laugh at your outgoing spirit.    
  • You love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and anything associated with it.  At least once a day you ask to watch Mickey.  My favorite is when you do the hotdog dance.  You tuck your elbows in and swing them side to side saying "hassdog, "hassdog."  You notice him (or the Disney emblem) everywhere.  Even when we don't see it, we backtrack and may find the tinniest Mickey on a package of bandaids. 
  • I love when you get hurt, not that you actually get hurt, but that you say "Oww boobie hurts."  I love explaining to people that a boobie, is actually a boo-boo.  
  • Daddy's favorite sporting events calm you.  Sometimes when you are sad you ask for "beesball" and since baseball is not in season, we turn it to the MLB network and you calm down just seeing the MLB icon on the bottom of the screen.
  • Fausto and Grady drive you nuts.  You tease them all the time with your food, and think its so funny (poor guys).  While Fausto is gentle, Grady will snag anything out your hand if you aren't watching close enough.  There are times when you seem to love them.  You tell them "See ya buddies."  and "Bye bye boys" when you leave for daycare in the morning.  You do love going into the fridge and grabbing carrots for them and you quickly learned to throw them to them, instead of hand them.  You've had a few close calls with your fingers.
  • You are pretty good with your P's and Q's, although sometimes you need to be reminded.  When I ask you "What do you say" you always respond with "Pease, mom."  You are especially good at "Dank you." "I sorry Moma" you sometimes need to say more than we'd like, but I especially love it when you say it for no reason.  
  • Any church or big building you see is a castle, and a princess lives there.  
  • You rarely ever snuggle up or fall asleep on us, but when you do your Daddy and I always say to each other "I bet you wish she did this on you."
  • Daddy and I think you are amazingly smart.  You've been counting to 15 before you were 2.  You sing your ABCs (mostly) and know most of your letters.  You say "I Kenzie Bush" though you wish your name was shorter so you could spell it.  You know your shapes, and love drawing circles.  But of all this, you can not figure out your colors (besides pink and orange.)  But if you don't know the color you politely say "Uhhh, I dowt know."  We even asked the Dr about it at your 2-year Dr. appt, because we thought maybe you were color blind - ha!  Sorry we jumped the gun on that.  You'll get them in time!  

You are by far the best thing I have ever done.  You are my biggest joy and my biggest energy drain, but can't ever picture our lives without you in it.  I can't wait to see you learn and grow, and become a big sister.  I love every single ounce of you, forever and always, no matter what.  

Love, Moma