I've been watching the clock all day, reminiscing where we were this time last year. So to stick with the re-living, we headed out to dinner at Panera Bread, since that was our "Last Supper" one year ago tonight. Growing up, I never thought I was much of a softy, but ever since Kenzie's birth, simple commercials and pictures can start the tears streaming. So of course from the second we walked into Panera, I was holding back tears, and they didn't stop there. There she was chewing on her straw wrapper -- cute as can be, and all I could do was cry!
I want to rush into her bedroom and scoop up my sleeping baby and snuggle with her all night long. I can't figure out why I just want to burst out crying, but I'm trying not to knowing Don will think I'm crazy. I can't figure out what I'm so sad and emotional about? We have this healthy, giggly, smart, and beautiful baby girl. She is growing and amazing us everyday, and becoming this little lady with a personality. She makes me laugh everyday. But I still write this blog through blurry eyes.
In the past 52 weeks, I've (we've) likely changed 3,000+ diapers, checked in on her every single night before going to bed (or in the middle of the night), I've wondered whether to call the doctor multiple times, fed the dogs more of her food than her, and wondered almost every day how we could ever live without her. 12 months ago I instantly fell in love with a chubby cheeked person I've never met. And now we are inseparable. She's the best thing I've ever done.
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