I have been meaning to write this blog for some time now...well actually 3 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days (give or take a few days).
I have to admit that I was never one of those women who really loved being pregnant. I was so sick those first 6 months (they tell you just the first 3-ha!), then the early belly changes, where you just feel chubby not pregnant, and the back pains even after a 10 second plop -- And I had it lucky! I loved my basketball of a belly. I loved feeling her constant dance parties in there and those daily hiccups she'd have those last few weeks. I never was swollen, or exhausted, or uncomfortable. I was just so anxious. But now looking back, I don't think I enjoyed it as much as I should have and could have!
I noticed in the days following Kenzie's arrival, even now, that I was constantly having these flashbacks of being pregnant. These "remember when" and "awwww" moments. I'd see pregnant women with those beautiful bellies and think..awwww that was me just a few weeks ago. Or now when we go to certain restaurants, and the memories flow back. Like returning to Pizza Hut and remember how I felt like everyone was judging the pregnant girl at the buffet. Or when I go to Panera bread, I can't help but look over at the very table Don and I sat in as our last meal a family of 4 (dogs included of course). Even now my stomach will grumble just enough to feel like the early kicks. Similarly when I returned back to the hospital for work I thought, "the last time I was in a hospital I was having our perfect little lady." I even found a receipt from the night before Mackenzie was born. We had to make sure we had dog food so we made a pit stop before heading to the hospital. Don told me to wait in the car, but instead I went in with him, contracting away as we picked up dog food for our first "little" babes. What about when the heating and cooling company returned to install the AC a few weeks ago. Well the last time they were here, installing the heater, I was hiding out with the dogs in our bedroom and texting Don anytime I thought..maybe this is it. At one point so much time had past since I had felt something, so I told him false alarm and he wrote "my heart just sank."

So just like with most things in life, I've learned, we need to sit back and really enjoy and embrace things. Too often we lose the small things in life and sometimes those small things are everything.
*My favorite way of embracing the small things are photograph sessions by Becca @ RGS Photography
I hate it when posts go uncommented! Another great post...you were the talk of the trails on Long Island over the weekend.