Kenzie had her 2 week check-up on Wednesday. She is now 22inches long, which is in the 95% percentile for her age. She is up to 8lbs 5oz, so almost to her birth weight. Her pediatrician says she is "perfect" but I was pretty sure of that.
She is really an "easy baby." She is sleeping about 3-4 hours at night, which usually means a 3:00am or 4:00am feeding, which lasts about a 1/2 hour, then back to bed until about 7:00 or 8:00.
We also just started using the cloth diapers since her umbilical cord fell of. A tad big for her little body, but she looks so cute in them.
Her big brothers are doing so well with her. Fausto could really care less, but Grady likes to check in on her from time to time. Grady comes running when he hears her crying, and Fausto runs the other way!
Not so happy all the time! |
Watching daddy |
Napping with Aunt Katie |
Hating tummy time |
Watching the Knickerbockers |
Puppy Sandwich! |
So girlie! |
Oh my she is BEYOND adorable in that last photo- what a perfect little face. I am so looking forward to holding her <3 See you soon! Jason confirmed that yes, he would like to hold her as well ;)