So we started the morning with a sonogram, which we knew we were having, so Donny made sure to join in on this appointment. The sonographer warned babies this late in term are tough to fit in the screen, but she would try to get some pictures...but no promises. So she did lots of looking around to make sure everything looked good. The brain, heart, bladder, stomach, and kidneys were all accounted for! Also, Bambino Burch has TONS of hair! She kept saying, wow that is impressive. We also had to turn our heads a couple of times to keep the sex of this baby a secret! I mean we've made it this far, although Don tried sneaking a peak! So baby is head down and anterior which is perfect birthing position and amniotic fluid was normal. She also did a lot of measurements to get a predicted size of this baby. Everytime she'd draw lines and circles for her measurements, the gestation age would be 38 or 39, and I'm thinking, Great! this baby is a peanut! Welllll.... come to find out, an estimated weight of this "little" bambino is 8lbs 9oz!! I about fell off the table. Now this can be off by up to a pound and a 1/2 but still! They aren't pulling those numbers out of thin air.
So she was able to get some great pictures of the cutest little pucker lips this babe has, which also gained some more raving. I think those are Donny's lips!

She also wanted to get some 3D images because of the shear cuteness of our sleeping babe.
Look at those chubby cheeks! Can't wait to be smothering those cheeks with kiss by the end of the week :)
So then I had another non-stress test and the baby is still very active and doing good. This also showed some very little contractions, but nothing I could feel.
Onto the exam....I'm still progressing well and dilating like a machine! I'm now 4cm, 70% effaced and baby is still very low. The doctor said I must have 5 star accomadations in there! She also said my placenta is a grade 1, which out of 3 is the best grade for passing of nutrients and blood flow. She said this is likley the reason he or she isn't moving. Clearly this baby is getting its nutrients! So we decided we better set up a date for induction before this baby gets any bigger. So if we have no baby action, Thursday morning at 7:30 we're getting the show on the road!
Game on!
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