After my Dr's appointment on Monday, I was chatting in the hall with the Dr. and some of the staff, and the Dr. guessed we were having a girl. Now do you think she saw the report from the sonogram? or was she just making the assumption after I told her how horrible the morning sickness has been? I'm pretty confident she didn't know, because she asked during the appointment if we knew. But it makes you wonder....
I've been really torn lately on what this baby is. Besides being a baby...I'm not sure if its a boy or girl. From the beginning I thought boy boy boy, but since we don't care, I don't want to focus in on a certain sex. I hope everyone has been drawing their own assumptions, because we'll definitely set up a baby pool! So be thinking about the sex, weight, and date!
As you may have noticed we've also moved away from a specific nickname for this baby. This baby just doesn't seem like a Beezus anymore! Although tonight Donny said "we could be growing a Gremlin in there"...we won't use that as a nickname.
How Many Weeks: 22
How Big Is The Baby This Week: For about the next 3 weeks, Baby B will be able the size of a papaya. Height and weight with be anywhere from 10.5-12 inches, and 12oz-1.25 lbs. Finally we've got a pounder in there.
Weight gain: 6lbs so far. 34lbs to go if I followed the Dr's recommendations.
Sleep? I've been really focusing on sleeping on my sides, specifically on the left side. I've also noticed within the last couple nights, I've been making potty runs in the middle of the night. On a side note - the stars have been beautiful these past couple nights, around 3am!
Sleep? I've been really focusing on sleeping on my sides, specifically on the left side. I've also noticed within the last couple nights, I've been making potty runs in the middle of the night. On a side note - the stars have been beautiful these past couple nights, around 3am!
Cravings? I did break down and buy some toaster strudels. I also had a domestic moment and busted out the crock pot to make pulled chicken sandwiches. Both of which sounded good to me.
Aches and pains? I've had horrible tailbone/hiney pain since about 9 weeks. Some days its unbearable, but I did get some exercises to do from the Dr. She also recommended having my husband give me a massage. Big fan of my doc :)
Signs of labor? I say no, but honestly how would I know?
What I miss? Only having 1 pair of jeans that fit.
Reaching Milestones: I did some serious maternity clothes shopping, which is pretty difficult with a not so big belly. Everything is huge on me, and I wonder if it'll fit with a belly, or should I get a smaller size? We also got the baby bedding in the mail...which I LOVE! This baby has been moving a lot lately, but everytime Donny goes to feel, it stops. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks he'll be able to feel some kicks.

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