
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

24 Weeks

Happy V-day to Baby B! You're probably thinking we haven't even hit Halloween yet, and we're already talking about Valentine's Day? Well Baby Burch will celebrate this V-day first..which stands for Viability Day. Meaning at 24 weeks, baby has a very good change of surviving if he/she was to make a VERY early appearance. So we'll keep this V-day as just another milestone hit, and hope we won't even be celebrating a B-day until the new year!

Another week has come and gone, although 16 weeks just seems so far away. This week I was able to visually watch my belly bounce during the baby's "playtime." Donny has also been able to feel the baby a few more times, which makes us both happy. I've been feeling the baby pretty consistently for the past few weeks, so I'm glad he can now experience it.

How Many Weeks: 24

How Big Is The Baby This Week: Baby Burch is still about the size of a Papaya. The baby is about a pound and 1/2 and 12-13 inches.

Weight gain: I think I'm at about 8-10lbs. I feel like the belly bump is growing by the day!

Sleep? I've found the secret to a good nights sleep is not napping during the day...which is a huge disappointment, since I'm an avid napper and pretty good at it!

Cravings? Still nothing that exciting. Although on the topic of food, we found a FANTASTIC pizza place that makes a delicious and enormous NY style pie! Wednesdays are pizza night they are pizza nights here!

Aches and pains? I developed a new pain in my belly this past week. I thought it might be Braxton Hicks contractions, but have been told by numerous people, its not. The pain feels like my belly button and muscles (or lack there of, because those would be AB muscles) are being pulled and stretched from one side to the other.

Signs of labor? I should just delete this until we get closer.

What I miss? I miss days with no nauseousness.

Reaching Milestones: Viability Day!

***Finally a difference from week to week! Do you agree??

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Save the Date & Registries

I'm getting very excited for all the plans developing for the upcoming baby shower. So to give you a heads-up, the shower is going to be November 13th! It is sure to be a "WILD" time ;)

We also decided to take the plunge and do our registry at BabiesRUs on Friday night. All weekend we've also been doing some updating from home, which is honestly much easier and less stressful. We also registered for our furniture and a few other items at JCPenney. We are also eager to tackle cloth diapering. So we did a small registry at

So many fun and exciting things are coming! Hopefully soon we'll get to moving on the nursery, and we'll have some updates on that :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

23 Weeks

Another week has "flown" by. I think about many weeks ago, when I thought getting to the 20s weeks seemed forever away. But we're here, and now 17 weeks (give or take a little - preferably the latter) just seems so far away. I'm defiantly feeling more pregnant. A few times this week, I've caught my reflection in the mirror or window, and was shocked by the bumpage. I'm waiting for a stranger to make mention of it, but no touching please!

How Many Weeks: 23

How Big Is The Baby This Week: Baby Burch is still about the size of a Papaya. (Anywhere between 10.5-12 inches long, and 12 oz-1.25 lbs in weight.)

Weight gain: It's hard to tell since my scale at home, doesn't correspond with the Dr's, but I think about 8lbs so far.

Sleep? Ugh, I think I've seen my last good night sleep. No specific reason, just a lot of tossing and turning, with a dash of weird dreams, and a splash (no pun intended) of a bathroom break.

Cravings? Nothing too exciting this week. Although I've found I've reverted back to my favorite childhood cereals. Last week was frosted flakes and lucky charms..this weeks KIX!

Aches and pains? This was a good week for tailbone pain. Feeling good!

Signs of labor? That is still a big no!

What I miss? Well now the 1 pair of pregnancy jeans I have, shrunk in length. So in general I miss having options for clothes.

Reaching Milestones: I would say there are daily multiple sessions of gymnastics practice going on in this belly. A few times I've actually yelled out because it shocked me. And although Donny only felt the baby the one time, the movements are getting more intense, so I'm sure there will be more in the near future.

*I'm not so sure I see a difference week to week? But I sure feel like its getting bigger and bigger.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

This just in...

We had an exciting milestone reached last night.
The bambino is always active right before bed so I told Donny to try again, and see if he could feel it. This has been about the 17th time I've asked in the past week..but it was worth it! He got to feel the baby bubbles. Perhaps this baby enjoys being called a gremlin?? :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

22 Weeks

After my Dr's appointment on Monday, I was chatting in the hall with the Dr. and some of the staff, and the Dr. guessed we were having a girl. Now do you think she saw the report from the sonogram? or was she just making the assumption after I told her how horrible the morning sickness has been? I'm pretty confident she didn't know, because she asked during the appointment if we knew. But it makes you wonder....
I've been really torn lately on what this baby is. Besides being a baby...I'm not sure if its a boy or girl. From the beginning I thought boy boy boy, but since we don't care, I don't want to focus in on a certain sex. I hope everyone has been drawing their own assumptions, because we'll definitely set up a baby pool! So be thinking about the sex, weight, and date!

As you may have noticed we've also moved away from a specific nickname for this baby. This baby just doesn't seem like a Beezus anymore! Although tonight Donny said "we could be growing a Gremlin in there"...we won't use that as a nickname.

How Many Weeks: 22

How Big Is The Baby This Week: For about the next 3 weeks, Baby B will be able the size of a papaya. Height and weight with be anywhere from 10.5-12 inches, and 12oz-1.25 lbs. Finally we've got a pounder in there.

Weight gain: 6lbs so far. 34lbs to go if I followed the Dr's recommendations.

Sleep? I've been really focusing on sleeping on my sides, specifically on the left side. I've also noticed within the last couple nights, I've been making potty runs in the middle of the night. On a side note - the stars have been beautiful these past couple nights, around 3am!

Cravings? I did break down and buy some toaster strudels. I also had a domestic moment and busted out the crock pot to make pulled chicken sandwiches. Both of which sounded good to me.

Aches and pains? I've had horrible tailbone/hiney pain since about 9 weeks. Some days its unbearable, but I did get some exercises to do from the Dr. She also recommended having my husband give me a massage. Big fan of my doc :)

Signs of labor? I say no, but honestly how would I know?

What I miss? Only having 1 pair of jeans that fit.

Reaching Milestones: I did some serious maternity clothes shopping, which is pretty difficult with a not so big belly. Everything is huge on me, and I wonder if it'll fit with a belly, or should I get a smaller size? We also got the baby bedding in the mail...which I LOVE! This baby has been moving a lot lately, but everytime Donny goes to feel, it stops. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks he'll be able to feel some kicks.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Doctor's and Pizza

Everything was good at my appointment today. My belly bump is measuring a perfect 21cm. 21 weeks should = 21cm bump. I got to hear the heartbeat again. About 161 bpm. Which is much higher than 4 weeks ago, which the Dr. attributes to all the movin' and groovin' in there.
I did get scolded on the amount of weight I've gained, or lack there of, and was advised to get eating. In my personal, nutritional opinion, I find the US recommendations for pregnancy weight gain are a tad on the high side. So as long as I'm eating a well balance diet and the bump and bambino are growing how they should, I'll continue eating when I'm hungry.
But I will say the "eat more" advice was on my mind come dinner time, so "for the baby" I decided it was best if we ate dinner at Pizza Hut :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Comes Love...

"We've come so far since that day...and I thought I loved you then."

4 years ago today, I married my best friend. The one I laugh with, live for, and love.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

21 Weeks

So I decided to celebrate 21 weeks with wearing my first pair of pregnancy pants! I was still wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans, buttoned and all, but Don thought i was squeezing the baby. I also tried on some maternity shirts today..and I have to say, they have the "miraculous" ability to make you look like you're smuggling a basketball under your shirt. So I passed on those for a couple of weeks.

I had a Dr.'s appointment with a Hematologist today. Over the past couple of prenatal visits, they've had me do some repeat blood work, and noticed my platelet counts continued to drop. So today I was officially diagnosed with Gestational Thrombocytopenia. So what does this mean for me and Beezus? It includes hematology appointments every 4 weeks, then once a week 8 months and on. It's most important come delivery day, to be sure the platelets are high enough for an unwanted C-section or even an epidural. I like to keep my options open, especially for the later. Luckily, today I had a normal count! Sooo just maybe we'll be in the clear.

How Many Weeks: 21

How Big Is The Baby This Week: Beezus is about the size of a banana this week -- about 10.5 in. and nearing 13oz. I don't like bananas but I do love Beezus.

Weight gain: I think I've gained about 4-5 pounds so far. Probably not enough for my Dr.'s liking!

Sleep? The nauseousness is back and in full force, specifically right before bed. So sleep is really varying these days!

Cravings? I think I've been eating pretty great so far, with no huge must haves. I crave Pizza Hut pizza, but lets me honest...who doesn't love that pan pizza!!

Signs of labor? No way!

What I miss? Feta cheese!!

Reaching Milestones: We have been doing serious registry research. I picked out our furniture. (I say I because Don said I got to pick it out!) and of course we ordered the bedding which you saw. There also has been some fantastic steps forward with my baby shower which have me so eager for November!

**Better late then never. I really wanted to be doing this from the beginning but from here on out, I'll (really) try to add a weekly bump picture.

Monday, September 6, 2010


It's always tough going back to work after a long weekend. This WILL help!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A whole lot of shakin' goin' on!

Within the past week, I'm pretty confident I'm feeling Beezus moving....specifically when I'm eating. Everyone has explained it as butterflies, but to me it feels like there are bubbles popping in my bellybutton. I've always been very ticklish, and this is no exception.
I've been semi-craving a blue raspberry slush puppy for about 4 weeks now, and was finally able to satisfy it today, after visiting the Burchs in Cuba today. It wasn't how I remember my drink of choice on Saturdays and Sundays at Skateland, but it did leave the ever so glamorous blue teeth, lips, and tongue. Never a disappointment.
On another exciting note, we ordered our nursery bedding this weekend. I'm very excited to get it. Seems like we better getting moving on getting the nursery cleared out and repainted!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

20 Weeks

Whoooaa we're halfway there... I can't decide if the time has flown by or crawled. I'm thinking these next 20 weeks will really get to flying, since we have so much to look forward to in the coming months. And it's favorite season!

We just got home from a fantastic trip to the OuterBanks with the Dickinson side of the family. Here are a few pictures; from the sand dunes, sunset dinner, and family photo shoots.

Like a flower, the belly bump really seemed to "sprout" with a little sun and some (pool)water.
And who could forget our little fur pups, who were the entertainment, snuggle partners, and garbage disposals for the week.

Today we wish a happy 3rd birthday to our Fausto-bear. Everyday he makes us laugh at his unconditional love for us, Grady, his "brother from a different mother", tennis balls, pizza crusts, and chow time!