Daily Routine:
We are still in the routine of letting him sleep when he wants, so there is really no nap schedule yet. We throw in a little tommy time, time in the swing, time in the bouncy chair, and playing under the gym and thats about it. He is defiantly awake more, and lots of smiling and cooing! He still prefers to be held and we've found that he naps best on us because he likes to sleep on his belly. Unfortunately thats a no-no in the babycare world, so happily I'll continue to let him snuggle on top of me, where I can keep an eye on him!
We are still rocking our feeding schedule although he is eating a bit more. He is now up to 5oz every 3 hours. His last feeding is anywhere between 8:30 and 10 and off to bed he goes. He has consistently been going to bed and sleeping until about 7 every morning. I don't know how I get these amazing baby sleepers, but we are so grateful. Also, Mr. Pukes-a-lot is in full affect.
Look at you grow:
He was a solid 12lbs at his 1 month visit, and he is now up to 14.2lbs, which is the 90th percentile. He is in the 99th percentile for length at 24 3/4inch. He's grown a whole inch sine his last check-up. The doctor said "He's a big boy, He's a really big boy." He also told us we may need a larger fridge sometime soon.
Who do you look like?
He looks so much like his daddy and everyone says it! His hair is still dark but may be lightening up? I'm wondering if we have a blondey in the works!
He is becoming a big ol strong boy, and holding his head up a lot. He also smiles and coos so much more than even a month ago! The cooing is my favorite because it really seems like he is trying to tell us something.
Big Sister Kenzie:
Oh Kenzie....I know she'll love playing with him, but she is not impressed with him. She is a great helper when it comes to fetching pacifers or burp clothes, but thats about it. She does let me know when he is crying (in case I didn't notice). She also always thinks he's smiling at her, even if he is in a dead stare at the wall.
trip to the Erie County fair
visit to Mommy's work