Look at how much he looks like his big sis at 1 month old.
Daily Routine:
Well we really don't have much of a routine, since our day consists of diaper changes, eating, and sleeping. Just like with Kenzie, I love taking naps with him on my chest, so those and snuggling you are what our days consist of. He seems to be a bit more needy then Kenz. He is a much happier baby if he is being held. When he is upset...holy cow does he scream. Like it hurts your throat scream!!
Still not sure he is really only 1 month old, because he eats like a 3 month old. Sadly, just like with Kenzie, breastfeeding didn't work. Regardless, we have him on a good feeding schedule: eating about 4oz (umm yes) every 3 hours. He surprised us with a few all night sleeps (11ish-6ish) but for the most part usually wakes up once in the night between 3 and 4 to eat. He also spits up much more then Kenz did. I think I can count on one hand the amount of times Kenzie spit up. This boy spits up quite often, so we have to keep him upright after feedings. I'm hopeful he grows out of this trait! Between that and his cloth diapers...I feel like all I do is laundry.
Look at you grow:
We go for his 1 month check up on Wednesday! The newborn clothes are out. 3 month clothes are in.
Who do you look like?
His hair is just as dark as it was when he were born, but we can't figure out what color his eyes will be. When he was born they were dark brown, but nowadays I mostly see blue. One thing thats for sure is they sparkle. I don't think he looks like either Don or I, but he does look a lot like his big sister.
Well changing a boy has defiantly been a learning curve for us. The first few days at home, I was actually terrified to change him. He poo-exploded and squirted us just about every changing. Luckily that is not as common these days.
He also smiles all the time. His first real smile came when he were 2 weeks old. Don was leaving for work and he gave him a big squinty smile. I thought it was a fluke but he did it again later on that day when the dogs were barking. My favorite is when I look down and he's smiling at me for no reason.
Big Sister Kenzie:
So far Kenzie hasn't shown much interest in him and I have to say I'm not super surprised by this. Kenz is pretty independent, and enjoys playing by herself. She has held him once, only because I pretty much placed him in her arms. She is a big help grabbing his pacifier or burp cloth. She has even held his bottle to feed him...once. She does give him kisses, and holds his hand in the backseat, which usually follows with "Look Moma, he's smiling at me." She also doesn't like when he cries, and has even brought me an empty bottle to help soothe him. I'm excited to see how their relationship develops.
trip to the zoo
chiropractic adjustment
real bath
trip to Grandma and Grandpas pond
real smile
full nights sleep
trip to daddy's baseball game