I can't keep up with her. She is changing and growing and learning new things every day. She is funny, independent, and sassy as ever. And although there are days when I'm ready for bedtime even before noon, every night I wish I could scoop her out of her crib and lay her on my chest to sleep, like she use to do. I miss her even when she is down the hall sleeping. Since there is no way to keep her little, I'm just gonna try to keep up.
Everything is new to us. Each day, week, and milestone is new. She has new attitudes, and words, and likes and hates every day....but we go with it. We are always looking to experience new things. Since new food trucks are popping up all over Buffalo, we decided to experience the revolution. I gotta say I love the idea. I love eating, especially quick, tasty, locally operated eats. Perfect for a summer afternoon.
The days are already flying through September, so I better get a jump on our last full month of summer blog post. In August I finally felt like we weren't running running running. No more weekends filled with baseball, so we filled them up with good ol' fashion, family fun! We stayed busy with Kenzie's gym class at Rolly Pollies. I can't believe how much she progressed over the 9 weeks. She now tries to balance on anything that resembles a balance beam. She can also summersault better than I can! She just started another 9 week class this week, so I'm anxious to see what she'll learn.
We'll work on the rock wall!
One of our favorite events of the summer is the Erie County Fair. Lucky for us, Don's work has a booth so we spend LOTS of time just wandering the fair. We take in all of the site, sounds, a smells! I can't believe how different the fair was this year with Kenzie. One year makes a huge difference!
Lounging for fried dough
My favorite part is the animals.
Honestly I thought Kenzie would go crazy for the animals. Come to find out, she loves them, especially when they don't make noise or move, and keep their distance. Ha! Once our friends said hi with a "moooo" or "baaaa", she immediately started saying "no, no" "all done". Maybe next year!
And now, Don's favorite...the food! Here is Kenz enjoying her first Dippin Dots! (Don goes crazy for this stuff) I love the progression :) I can't believe this stuff isn't available in stores yet.
Thats what she thinks about sharing daddy's ice cream.
Its a good thing this gal likes baseball. She probably has been to more baseball games in her 19 months of life, than I had been to before I was 19 years old. We ventured out to a Buffalo Bisons game this time around. She does so good sitting and watching, and always makes friends with the people sitting around us. She is such a charmer!
Finally, our final big event of the summer was my big sister Katie's wedding shower. Kenzie affectionately calls her Tee-Tee and cant wait to be one of 4 flower nieces in a few weeks.
We also have started to introduce the potty to Kenzie. Since she is OBSESSED with all things Mickey Mouse, we got her a Mickey Mouse potty. We aren't pushing anything yet, just every now and then if we can catch it we'll try the potty out. She shows many cues for being ready and since I think she is a pretty smart cookie, I hope she'll pick it up fast. We probably will really dive into it after the wedding and then our cruise in October! Stay tuned....and bring on the Fall!!