
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 29, 2011

11 Months!

Our little lady is creeping closer and closer and closer to her 1 year birthday!  This past year, has been the fastest year of my life, but it has also been the absolute best!  Kenzie has brought so much love and laughter to our family....even to perfect strangers.  Eating at restaurants, grocery shopping, and waiting in check out lines, we always get friendly strangers smiling and waving at her!  She flashes that 2-teeth smile (yes still only 2 teeth) and the occasional backwards wave, and I like to think she brings a little joy to everyone's life.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Holiday Festivus

And we are back...  We've been so busy these days, but even with the holidays approaching, I hope that things get a little relaxing around here.   I think there is one person on our Christmas buy-for list, that is crossed off, and its not Kenzie!!  Shopping is a little trickier these days with Kenzie.  The mall is one thing, but getting her in and out of car, running around in rain/slush to a bunch of different stores, is not ideal.  Yes Kenzie is a completely resilient babe, even when she is off her schedule, but she is MUCH happier when she gets her 2 naps and is asleep by 7:00. 

We did get our Christmas decorations and tree up earlier than usual.  Kenzie doesn't seem too drawn to it, although she does like to bat at the ornaments if she gets close enough!